“Human relationships always help us to carry on because they always presuppose further developments, a future and also because we live as if our only task was precisely to have relationships with other people.” Albert Camus. By virtue of being a human being, we have to play various role at different point of time, and this role is popularly called as 'Human Relationship'. The reason behind to name it as a role is – at different point of time a person has to play a different role with different people, and it is named as different name such as the relationship of - mother and her offspring, father and his offspring, siblings, husband and wife, friends etc. The same person act differently with different person, depends upon the relationship.
Therefore, this World is a huge stage and we all people are the actors playing our roles. We people do not leave our natural life rather always in constrain of relationship and bound to act accordingly. And this constrain is a bond, binds all persons together, give the definite shape and path, real and rational meaning of life otherwise, life would by chaotic and there would not be any order in the society. Hence, the human relationship is a great weapon with us to protect ourselves from all external threats either offend by a human being itself or by any other creatures or natural calamity.
Nevertheless, there is also some sort of relationships among animals but the area and length are very limited. The sense of social feelings is very small, but among human beings, it is eternal and not bound with particular relationship rather universal in nature: or in other words – animals have 'affectionate relationship' and human beings have 'love relationship'. The difference between these two words is – affection simply means 'love for only own persons, group, community etc. but love means affection for all, and not bound with only respective group or community, region or country. Walt Disney's quote has very beautifully corroborated my this sentence - “There is great comfort and inspiration in the feeling of close human relationships and its bearing on our mutual fortunes – a powerful force, to overcome the “tough breaks” which are certain to come to most of us from time to time.”
By giving this much of explanations, I can say it that the human relationship keeps too much importance in human being's life. It not only teaches the manners and etiquettes but also civilizes the person adequately in order to protect himself and his society as well. In general, the person who deprived of these relationships is found malnourished. Most of his/her behaviours are not acceptable by society. I mean to say, all sorts of delinquencies and other petty crimes are only due to frustration of relationship. The frustrated relationship restrains total development of respective person; subsequently, he/she is unable to understand his/her role in the society and takes wrong path.
In spite of having this much of importance of human relationship, people some time due to some external pressure behaves very irrationally and ready to breaks it up. The break up of relationship is not good for any body at any cost. Moreover, it is very much important in our life because all emotions, feelings, and consciences are cocooned under the word human relationship. Therefore, in order to armored ourselves, we have to have carry on our relationship properly, because its break up is insalubrious not only for the concerning person but also threat for society. To build a building takes too much time but to abolish it, hardly a matter of an hour, I mean, living in relationship is a bit difficult task and to break it up – is very easy. So, it's depend upon you people which task adopt.
Moreover, before stopping my pen, I want to quote Hugh Walpole's words i.e. “The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing;it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.”
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
At a time when the world is moving at an ever faster pace, with people multitasking and constantly rushing around, it is imperative to create the time to have a proper meal. Having lunch is more than furnishing your body with a quick meal. It is more about taking the time to sit back, relax, breath, and recharge for the rest of the day. This goes a long way in refreshing you and increasing your productivity.
The word ''lunch'' is abbreviated from the word ''lunchentach,'' and was used for a meal that was inserted between more substantial meals. It was originally intended for the working class to take a break for snack and a drink at noon but now lunch serves as the main meal of the day in many parts of the world.
Nutritionist suggest that it is more appropriate to eat a large meal at lunch than it is to do at supper, just before going to bed, when the energy from the meal will not be properly utilized.
This means, your lunch mostly should be large and cooked, as against a light lunch of bread and vegetables we mostly take. It should be high in fibre, low in fat and high in carbohydrates, to supply the energy you need for an active day.
It is advised that snacks and drinks be avoided before lunch, and water taken as an alternative to fruit juices during the meal.
1].It helps support your mind and body with energy for a fulfilled mid afternoon to evening.
2].It enhances your productivity and improves your mood and concentration.
3].It also helps you to a good body structure. This happens because you wouldn't find your self eating junk food.
So go ahead and give yourself a health boost: have your lunch always!
The word ''lunch'' is abbreviated from the word ''lunchentach,'' and was used for a meal that was inserted between more substantial meals. It was originally intended for the working class to take a break for snack and a drink at noon but now lunch serves as the main meal of the day in many parts of the world.
Nutritionist suggest that it is more appropriate to eat a large meal at lunch than it is to do at supper, just before going to bed, when the energy from the meal will not be properly utilized.
This means, your lunch mostly should be large and cooked, as against a light lunch of bread and vegetables we mostly take. It should be high in fibre, low in fat and high in carbohydrates, to supply the energy you need for an active day.
It is advised that snacks and drinks be avoided before lunch, and water taken as an alternative to fruit juices during the meal.
1].It helps support your mind and body with energy for a fulfilled mid afternoon to evening.
2].It enhances your productivity and improves your mood and concentration.
3].It also helps you to a good body structure. This happens because you wouldn't find your self eating junk food.
So go ahead and give yourself a health boost: have your lunch always!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Human Pheromone Cologne - Is it a Scam?
If you are well versed in the world of hygiene products and products designed to improve your ability around girls, chances are you have heard about pheromone cologne. However, are you really familiar with pheromones and what exactly they do for your body?
For starters, you should study and learn the three primary types of pheromones:
This pheromone is found in both men and women, although predominantly known of as a male pheromone. It typically creates a dominant, intimidating, aggressive aura. The benefit is increased attention from the opposite sex. Studies have also shown that it may cause sexual arousal and the increase in sexual tension. However, it can also cause over-aggression with the other males around you, because it creates a dominant and intimidating aura.
This pheromone is only found in humans. Androsterone is a human pheromone that produces a sense of trust around its wearer. This pheromone creates an aura of safety, protection, reliability and leadership normally associated with a more peaceful alpha male.
There are now two types of this compound that are used in pheromone products, the alpha and beta isomers, each producing slightly different effects. The alpha and beta have nothing to do with the pheromone projecting an alpha aura. Both seem to cause chattiness and friendliness.
Now that you understand the major types of pheromones, you need to understand how they work on your body.
When pheromones are placed in cologne and ultimately dabbed on your skin or clothes, the cologne influences all social behavior including sexual attraction. The cologne allows your body to open up your true social skills, creating a friendlier, confident, dominant, and attractive vibe.
Women are naturally more attracted to you although they do not realize it. The natural chemicals serve as a magnet, drawing their eyes and attention to the cologne wearer. Women are much more likely to engage in lasting conversations, filled with hints of seduction and flirtations. Women are also more likely to engage in romantic and intimate situations, including sex, according to a university study that was conducted recently.
"I love pheromone cologne for men what more can I say. I was recently bummed to find out that pheromone products were now being produced for women. Pheromones cologne for women are you kidding me? This is a secret to good to make public. Now women are really going to find out our key to success. They are going to sniff out our chattiness instantly!" Overall recommended one for men is chikara
For starters, you should study and learn the three primary types of pheromones:
This pheromone is found in both men and women, although predominantly known of as a male pheromone. It typically creates a dominant, intimidating, aggressive aura. The benefit is increased attention from the opposite sex. Studies have also shown that it may cause sexual arousal and the increase in sexual tension. However, it can also cause over-aggression with the other males around you, because it creates a dominant and intimidating aura.
This pheromone is only found in humans. Androsterone is a human pheromone that produces a sense of trust around its wearer. This pheromone creates an aura of safety, protection, reliability and leadership normally associated with a more peaceful alpha male.
There are now two types of this compound that are used in pheromone products, the alpha and beta isomers, each producing slightly different effects. The alpha and beta have nothing to do with the pheromone projecting an alpha aura. Both seem to cause chattiness and friendliness.
Now that you understand the major types of pheromones, you need to understand how they work on your body.
When pheromones are placed in cologne and ultimately dabbed on your skin or clothes, the cologne influences all social behavior including sexual attraction. The cologne allows your body to open up your true social skills, creating a friendlier, confident, dominant, and attractive vibe.
Women are naturally more attracted to you although they do not realize it. The natural chemicals serve as a magnet, drawing their eyes and attention to the cologne wearer. Women are much more likely to engage in lasting conversations, filled with hints of seduction and flirtations. Women are also more likely to engage in romantic and intimate situations, including sex, according to a university study that was conducted recently.
"I love pheromone cologne for men what more can I say. I was recently bummed to find out that pheromone products were now being produced for women. Pheromones cologne for women are you kidding me? This is a secret to good to make public. Now women are really going to find out our key to success. They are going to sniff out our chattiness instantly!" Overall recommended one for men is chikara
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Effects of Workplace Bullying
Workplace bullying, being traumatic, is not just an anti-social behaviour that touches negatively only the direct victim, but has serious repercussions for many more besides. The distress, pain and victimisation it causes have a ripple effect on the family and work community, leading to feelings of isolation, marginalisation, dissatisfaction with life, and general demotivation.
To seek to make a serious contribution to current management practice and to investigate ways of improving practice in the area of human relations is therefore a laudable aim, and its relevance and application are appropriate to individuals and organisations in a wide diversity of work situations.
In these pages, I am attempting to discover the effect of bullying among employees as indicated by the victimisation they experience and the frequency of stress-related illnesses. The professions are very badly affected by workplace bullying, but so also are the more ordinary jobs. This is not to imply that bullying does not take place in other work, social, or domestic situations, for it does. Bullying is one of the main stressors leading to personal dissatisfaction, demotivation, and feelings of isolation. Hence, the importance for management practice to improve staff well-being and morale is accepted and must not be underestimated; also, the importance of working hard to establish good inter-personal relationships in the social and community context is implied; and the importance of maintaining excellent relationships within the domestic situation is also a given. We sometimes wonder why young people desire to get away from home so that they can gain their own freedom and independence. We express amazement that marriages split up without any observable reason. We cannot understand why churches seem to be in a state of continual turmoil, or why nations seem all too often to be ready for war. The incidence of suicides is increasing each year, not only among mature adults, but also among young people and even children; and we wonder why. When relationships are poor, anything is possible! And relationships become poor because the pressure of stress surpasses the ability to withstand it. Much of this stress can be put down to the incidence of bullying, both within and outside the workplace.
Stress also destroys trust between individuals and between victims and general mankind. It damages health, ruins marriages, creates tensions where none existed previously; it destroys careers, robs of joy, takes from the victim any sense of fun that once had. It removes pleasure from what was once enjoyed and life takes on a gloomier perspective.
Hazlett Lynch, Ph.D., is an academic who has researched this phenomenon and is pleased to offer the fruits of his research to a wider reading public. He would draw your attention to his website for further information on workplace bullying: http://www.bullying.FirstQualityEbook.com
This substantial downloadable ebook is instantly accessible, written in a popular style, and combines an academic base with personal experience. Six free bonuses are included to supplement the report. Please visit my website at http://www.bullying.FirstQualityEbook.com and give yourself the best chance to recover from the effects of this life-threatening behaviour
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hazlett_Lynch
To seek to make a serious contribution to current management practice and to investigate ways of improving practice in the area of human relations is therefore a laudable aim, and its relevance and application are appropriate to individuals and organisations in a wide diversity of work situations.
In these pages, I am attempting to discover the effect of bullying among employees as indicated by the victimisation they experience and the frequency of stress-related illnesses. The professions are very badly affected by workplace bullying, but so also are the more ordinary jobs. This is not to imply that bullying does not take place in other work, social, or domestic situations, for it does. Bullying is one of the main stressors leading to personal dissatisfaction, demotivation, and feelings of isolation. Hence, the importance for management practice to improve staff well-being and morale is accepted and must not be underestimated; also, the importance of working hard to establish good inter-personal relationships in the social and community context is implied; and the importance of maintaining excellent relationships within the domestic situation is also a given. We sometimes wonder why young people desire to get away from home so that they can gain their own freedom and independence. We express amazement that marriages split up without any observable reason. We cannot understand why churches seem to be in a state of continual turmoil, or why nations seem all too often to be ready for war. The incidence of suicides is increasing each year, not only among mature adults, but also among young people and even children; and we wonder why. When relationships are poor, anything is possible! And relationships become poor because the pressure of stress surpasses the ability to withstand it. Much of this stress can be put down to the incidence of bullying, both within and outside the workplace.
Stress also destroys trust between individuals and between victims and general mankind. It damages health, ruins marriages, creates tensions where none existed previously; it destroys careers, robs of joy, takes from the victim any sense of fun that once had. It removes pleasure from what was once enjoyed and life takes on a gloomier perspective.
Hazlett Lynch, Ph.D., is an academic who has researched this phenomenon and is pleased to offer the fruits of his research to a wider reading public. He would draw your attention to his website for further information on workplace bullying: http://www.bullying.FirstQualityEbook.com
This substantial downloadable ebook is instantly accessible, written in a popular style, and combines an academic base with personal experience. Six free bonuses are included to supplement the report. Please visit my website at http://www.bullying.FirstQualityEbook.com and give yourself the best chance to recover from the effects of this life-threatening behaviour
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hazlett_Lynch
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Abnormal Psychology - Human Behaviour
Common psychologists simply describe the psychological diseases and their manifestations. However, through dream interpretation you have a clear explanation of why your disease appeared in your psyche and more importantly, how you can be cured and stop having abnormal behaviour.
What is normal is not always what is balanced and really good for each person, but abnormal behaviour is certainly far from the known behavioural patterns and causes damage to the person and their environment.
A wild and violent conscience is inherent in the human psyche . I discovered this when I continued Carl Jung's neglected research in the dark region of the psyche through dream interpretation. The human being cannot have a balanced behavior, even when one follows the common behavioural patterns of society, which are considered normal.
When we observe abnormal behaviour and we try to understand its psychology and how we can eliminate what causes problems, we observe that the wild conscience invades the human part, with several strange ideas, sensations and feelings. This is how the craziness inherent in the primitive conscience starts causing violent behaviour in the human side, and the person becomes aggressive.
This invasion can have many forms and appear camouflaged in many guises. The first signs of the invasion are usually the appearance of fear and suspicion. Neurotic patients are afraid of other human beings.
The craziness existent in the anti-conscience is a result of the disorganized development of the conscience since its formation. In order to reach a stage where the conscience would be happy, it would have to work very hard and organize its reactions, but it has not been programmed and it was developed without planning, which is why the result was the formation of chaos.
The unconscious psychic sphere that creates dreams is a completely developed human conscience that reached sanctity and can cure us from the craziness inherent in our psychic spheres. Once cured, we will develop all our capacities, be peaceful and always do what is good for us and our community.
The wild anti-conscience and the wise unconscious are constantly fighting in our psyche. The anti-conscience wants to destroy our human conscience, while the wise unconscious tries to save and develop our human conscience to the fullest, so that we may live free of the horrors of craziness.
Psychological health, balance and wisdom can be found only in goodness, forgiveness and piety. However, the human being doesn't forgive one's enemies and is totally cruel in front of those who need support and help.
The behaviour that is considered normal is actually not healthy because we are selfish, and selfishness is pure craziness. The wild anti-conscience manages to influence and invade the conscience using the person's ego as a channel.
Only when the human being learns how to be sensitive and reasonable will one live peacefully and happily, having a truly balanced and wise behaviour.
We need guidance to cultivate sensitivity and develop all the psychological functions, since three of them do not function as they should and only one psychological function dominates our psychic spheres. The wise unconscious knows exactly how to help us and this is why it sends us messages through dreams.
These messages are incomprehensible for the conscience because they could be distorted by the anti-conscience. This fact proves that there are two parts in the human conscience and one of them shall not understand what the unconscious tells the human part because these are instructions about how to transform the wild part in human.
If the wild conscience learned what the unconscious explains to the human side, it would distort these messages. This is why you have to learn how to interpret your dreams, in the same way you learn how to translate one language to another.
I greatly simplified Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation, which is the only accurate one, and now you can easily learn how to decipher the mysterious messages of your dreams, so that you'll be able to develop all your capacities and live happily, having a balanced and wise behaviour.
What is normal is not always what is balanced and really good for each person, but abnormal behaviour is certainly far from the known behavioural patterns and causes damage to the person and their environment.
A wild and violent conscience is inherent in the human psyche . I discovered this when I continued Carl Jung's neglected research in the dark region of the psyche through dream interpretation. The human being cannot have a balanced behavior, even when one follows the common behavioural patterns of society, which are considered normal.
When we observe abnormal behaviour and we try to understand its psychology and how we can eliminate what causes problems, we observe that the wild conscience invades the human part, with several strange ideas, sensations and feelings. This is how the craziness inherent in the primitive conscience starts causing violent behaviour in the human side, and the person becomes aggressive.
This invasion can have many forms and appear camouflaged in many guises. The first signs of the invasion are usually the appearance of fear and suspicion. Neurotic patients are afraid of other human beings.
The craziness existent in the anti-conscience is a result of the disorganized development of the conscience since its formation. In order to reach a stage where the conscience would be happy, it would have to work very hard and organize its reactions, but it has not been programmed and it was developed without planning, which is why the result was the formation of chaos.
The unconscious psychic sphere that creates dreams is a completely developed human conscience that reached sanctity and can cure us from the craziness inherent in our psychic spheres. Once cured, we will develop all our capacities, be peaceful and always do what is good for us and our community.
The wild anti-conscience and the wise unconscious are constantly fighting in our psyche. The anti-conscience wants to destroy our human conscience, while the wise unconscious tries to save and develop our human conscience to the fullest, so that we may live free of the horrors of craziness.
Psychological health, balance and wisdom can be found only in goodness, forgiveness and piety. However, the human being doesn't forgive one's enemies and is totally cruel in front of those who need support and help.
The behaviour that is considered normal is actually not healthy because we are selfish, and selfishness is pure craziness. The wild anti-conscience manages to influence and invade the conscience using the person's ego as a channel.
Only when the human being learns how to be sensitive and reasonable will one live peacefully and happily, having a truly balanced and wise behaviour.
We need guidance to cultivate sensitivity and develop all the psychological functions, since three of them do not function as they should and only one psychological function dominates our psychic spheres. The wise unconscious knows exactly how to help us and this is why it sends us messages through dreams.
These messages are incomprehensible for the conscience because they could be distorted by the anti-conscience. This fact proves that there are two parts in the human conscience and one of them shall not understand what the unconscious tells the human part because these are instructions about how to transform the wild part in human.
If the wild conscience learned what the unconscious explains to the human side, it would distort these messages. This is why you have to learn how to interpret your dreams, in the same way you learn how to translate one language to another.
I greatly simplified Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation, which is the only accurate one, and now you can easily learn how to decipher the mysterious messages of your dreams, so that you'll be able to develop all your capacities and live happily, having a balanced and wise behaviour.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Reflection on Human Nature
Yesterday was Sunday, and I sat for quite a long time pondering what it takes for a person to act as Christian in his walk as he claims to do in his talk, and my derived conclusions about the matter weren’t at all comforting. Reality and the devastating wave of human nature capsized and inundated the fragile boat carrying my last perishable cargo of optimism. Reflections of over a half-a-century of dealing closely with human beings, who have pompously worn the symbol of Jesus on their forehead but, by their behavior, have displayed an affinity to Satan, poignantly gathered in a still stream of conscious recollection, which were as vivid as they were provocative.
If the Judeo-Christian God has freely granted mankind the agency to gradually destroy itself, by first eviscerating its own collective soul through murderous strife and then its material substance through a systematic obliteration of planet ecology, the great master of the universe must know that the world in on its last legs. Yet, with all of the pain and suffering that the practice of abject evil has brought upon the family of man, much more oblivion is inexorably anticipated as the creator of heaven and earth permits the procurator of perdition, man himself, to have a final say in the destruction of this third rock from the sun.
Amazingly, most of the violent deaths which have occurred in the past five-thousand years of human history have been attributed to religious conflicts, of one type or another, more than to any other cause. Recorded history, anthropology, and archaeology reflect this sobering fact. Though the physical, cognitive, and spiritual multi-dimensional nature of modern man makes it possible for a person to be both good and evil at almost the same moment, the conflict that will inevitably result from such an embroilment is utterly indeterminable. From a survey of the historical course of humanity, from Herodotus to the present, religious evil has manifested a much more pervasive influence over human affairs than the power of secular good. This type of crude anti-social behavior conforms exactly to the purest, vilest depiction of human nature. The old, but trite, biblical scripture, “though the spirit is indeed willing, the flesh is weak,” clearly shows the mortal struggle, or, rather, the excusable dilemma, between a greater good and a lesser evil, which has dominated every military confrontation initiated and controlled by underlying religious hierarchal power.
In 1945, when atomic energy was consummated with the success of the U.S. Manhattan Project, and suddenly there was no longer a genuine need for “the bomb” with the surrender of Germany,” General Leslie Grove, the chief military officer in charge of Manhattan, manipulated Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer into finishing “the bomb” through equating American military control of nuclear energy with what was “right, just, and decreed by God.” The report written to President Roosevelt by a group of concerned atomic scientists at the University of Chicago, called political subversives by the FBI and U.S. Army Intelligence, which declared the moral evil of using the atomic bomb against the Japanese, never reached the White House. It was, instead, intercepted by Grove and condescendingly shown to Oppenheimer with the general’s admonition that, “I’ve always believed that the Lord was behind us in this endeavor.” Grove knew that the inflation of Oppenheimer’s ego was the key to the ultimate finalization and use of “the bomb” on Japan. While most of the scientists at Los Alamos were ambivalent and morally uncertain about the military use of atomic energy, it was the cajoling of Oppenheimer and the play on the brilliant doctor’s vanity by Lesllie Grove that led J. Robert to push the project staff to its successful completion.
Invoking a Judeo-Christian mandate by deity, and propagandistically influencing a nation to overwhelmingly believe that God had singularly delivered the power of the atom into American hands was surely as dramatic a play on political pragmatism as the Nazis causing a nation of Germans to believe that the Jewish people were sub-human. As a result of Truman’s decision to use the atomic bombs, which were dropped on two Japanese cities, over 200,000 innocent Japanese people were murdered in the blink of an eye, and thousands of others died later from radiation poisoning.
And so it is that, even now, there are people pretending to be good when they are intrinsically as evil as ancient sin. As there are crimes in the streets committed by desperate men and women driven by physical and mental addictions to rob, kill, and pillage, there are crimes in the suites of high skyscrapers and regal centers of government calculatingly committed by cunningly wealthy men who publicly portray the epitome of moral and spiritual virtue. Which are worse, crimes committed by people driven by poverty and utter social desperation to rob and kill, or those planned in conspiratorial circles and clandestinely carried out by men and women of affluence? These criminally gifted charlatans are capable of deceiving their many supporters into believing that what they do is beyond reproach, when, in fact, their ultimate goals are exactly opposite to the public good. People such as James K. Polk, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Spiro T. Agnew, John Poindexter, Oliver North, Ronald Reagon and, of course, George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld are on this long list of the rich and infamous.
History records that Polk lied and deceived Congress into declaring war against Mexico in 1846. Wilson blatantly lied to the American people, pretending to support neutrality during WWI while secretly preparing for American entry against Germany in 1917. Franklin Roosevelt made secret negotiations with Winston Churchill for American entry into the war against Germany, while manipulating Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor with a foreign policy of economic intimidation. Then Roosevelt knew within forty-eight hours that Japan was going to attack at dawn on December 7, 1941, but ordered that the naval command at Pearl not be warned. Lyndon Johnson knew about the Pentagon Papers and lied to the American public about the status of the Vietnam War. Over fifty-eight thousand Americans died in the protracted Southeast-Asian melee. Almost everyone knows about Richard Nixon, Water Gate, and how Nixon should have been prosecuted instead of pardoned by Gerald Ford. Spiro T. Agnew feigned his honesty and integrity as a public servant and stole money from the taxpayers. Admiral Poindexter lied to Congress and covertly led the Iran-Contra mob in their illegal operations.
Oliver North, a disgraced U.S. Marine, lied to Congress and acted illegally to destroy evidence of his, and others, involvement in the Iran-Contra conspiracy. Ronald Reagan comically scratched his head and, after being asked about his involvement with Iran-Contra, looked convincingly perplexed and replied, “I can’t remember what I did.” And he was believed by Congress, when he was a supposedly accomplished actor.
Of course, we now come to George W. Bush and company, the oligarchy within a republic that has done more since “Dubya’s” inauguration in 2001 to criminally subvert the American nation than other presidential administration since Franklin Roosevelt. Iraq has become another Vietnam with every indication that a permanent American presence in the Middle East is imminent, and that an anti-American terrorist insurgency around the world is proliferating. There is, however, a profound and utterly disgusting difference between those crimes perpetrated in the streets and the crimes planned and executed from the penthouses. This is the awful fact that, while nearly all of the street crime offenders are arrested, tried, and convicted for their violent crimes, the Ivy League offenders, the Skull and Bones conspirators in the centers of corporate capitalism and state and federal government, are seldom indicted, arrested, tried, and convicted for their crimes. If anything, they are allowed to continue their illegal escapades with mere slaps on the hand if they, per chance, are called to account for their conduct.
To walk in the likeness of Jesus doesn’t require perfection, but, rather, that a person try, in every way, to be basically honest and to love his neighbor as himself. Of course, people trying diligently to walk the talk will err from time to time in their attempts to do what is right. But the “masters of deceit”, as the great deceiver, J. Edger Hoover, so vehemently penned, will continue to deceive the American public and work against the ultimate good because of their immunity in a republic that was originally geared to accommodate the wealthy and politically powerful.
Norton R. Nowlin holds M.A. and B.A. degrees from the University of Texas at Tyler. He lives with his wife Diane and works as a paralegal specialist with the Board of Veteran's Appeals in Washington, D.C. Mr. Nowlin is a regular op-ed columnist for the "Times of Snohomish County," published by the "Seattle Times"
If the Judeo-Christian God has freely granted mankind the agency to gradually destroy itself, by first eviscerating its own collective soul through murderous strife and then its material substance through a systematic obliteration of planet ecology, the great master of the universe must know that the world in on its last legs. Yet, with all of the pain and suffering that the practice of abject evil has brought upon the family of man, much more oblivion is inexorably anticipated as the creator of heaven and earth permits the procurator of perdition, man himself, to have a final say in the destruction of this third rock from the sun.
Amazingly, most of the violent deaths which have occurred in the past five-thousand years of human history have been attributed to religious conflicts, of one type or another, more than to any other cause. Recorded history, anthropology, and archaeology reflect this sobering fact. Though the physical, cognitive, and spiritual multi-dimensional nature of modern man makes it possible for a person to be both good and evil at almost the same moment, the conflict that will inevitably result from such an embroilment is utterly indeterminable. From a survey of the historical course of humanity, from Herodotus to the present, religious evil has manifested a much more pervasive influence over human affairs than the power of secular good. This type of crude anti-social behavior conforms exactly to the purest, vilest depiction of human nature. The old, but trite, biblical scripture, “though the spirit is indeed willing, the flesh is weak,” clearly shows the mortal struggle, or, rather, the excusable dilemma, between a greater good and a lesser evil, which has dominated every military confrontation initiated and controlled by underlying religious hierarchal power.
In 1945, when atomic energy was consummated with the success of the U.S. Manhattan Project, and suddenly there was no longer a genuine need for “the bomb” with the surrender of Germany,” General Leslie Grove, the chief military officer in charge of Manhattan, manipulated Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer into finishing “the bomb” through equating American military control of nuclear energy with what was “right, just, and decreed by God.” The report written to President Roosevelt by a group of concerned atomic scientists at the University of Chicago, called political subversives by the FBI and U.S. Army Intelligence, which declared the moral evil of using the atomic bomb against the Japanese, never reached the White House. It was, instead, intercepted by Grove and condescendingly shown to Oppenheimer with the general’s admonition that, “I’ve always believed that the Lord was behind us in this endeavor.” Grove knew that the inflation of Oppenheimer’s ego was the key to the ultimate finalization and use of “the bomb” on Japan. While most of the scientists at Los Alamos were ambivalent and morally uncertain about the military use of atomic energy, it was the cajoling of Oppenheimer and the play on the brilliant doctor’s vanity by Lesllie Grove that led J. Robert to push the project staff to its successful completion.
Invoking a Judeo-Christian mandate by deity, and propagandistically influencing a nation to overwhelmingly believe that God had singularly delivered the power of the atom into American hands was surely as dramatic a play on political pragmatism as the Nazis causing a nation of Germans to believe that the Jewish people were sub-human. As a result of Truman’s decision to use the atomic bombs, which were dropped on two Japanese cities, over 200,000 innocent Japanese people were murdered in the blink of an eye, and thousands of others died later from radiation poisoning.
And so it is that, even now, there are people pretending to be good when they are intrinsically as evil as ancient sin. As there are crimes in the streets committed by desperate men and women driven by physical and mental addictions to rob, kill, and pillage, there are crimes in the suites of high skyscrapers and regal centers of government calculatingly committed by cunningly wealthy men who publicly portray the epitome of moral and spiritual virtue. Which are worse, crimes committed by people driven by poverty and utter social desperation to rob and kill, or those planned in conspiratorial circles and clandestinely carried out by men and women of affluence? These criminally gifted charlatans are capable of deceiving their many supporters into believing that what they do is beyond reproach, when, in fact, their ultimate goals are exactly opposite to the public good. People such as James K. Polk, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Spiro T. Agnew, John Poindexter, Oliver North, Ronald Reagon and, of course, George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld are on this long list of the rich and infamous.
History records that Polk lied and deceived Congress into declaring war against Mexico in 1846. Wilson blatantly lied to the American people, pretending to support neutrality during WWI while secretly preparing for American entry against Germany in 1917. Franklin Roosevelt made secret negotiations with Winston Churchill for American entry into the war against Germany, while manipulating Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor with a foreign policy of economic intimidation. Then Roosevelt knew within forty-eight hours that Japan was going to attack at dawn on December 7, 1941, but ordered that the naval command at Pearl not be warned. Lyndon Johnson knew about the Pentagon Papers and lied to the American public about the status of the Vietnam War. Over fifty-eight thousand Americans died in the protracted Southeast-Asian melee. Almost everyone knows about Richard Nixon, Water Gate, and how Nixon should have been prosecuted instead of pardoned by Gerald Ford. Spiro T. Agnew feigned his honesty and integrity as a public servant and stole money from the taxpayers. Admiral Poindexter lied to Congress and covertly led the Iran-Contra mob in their illegal operations.
Oliver North, a disgraced U.S. Marine, lied to Congress and acted illegally to destroy evidence of his, and others, involvement in the Iran-Contra conspiracy. Ronald Reagan comically scratched his head and, after being asked about his involvement with Iran-Contra, looked convincingly perplexed and replied, “I can’t remember what I did.” And he was believed by Congress, when he was a supposedly accomplished actor.
Of course, we now come to George W. Bush and company, the oligarchy within a republic that has done more since “Dubya’s” inauguration in 2001 to criminally subvert the American nation than other presidential administration since Franklin Roosevelt. Iraq has become another Vietnam with every indication that a permanent American presence in the Middle East is imminent, and that an anti-American terrorist insurgency around the world is proliferating. There is, however, a profound and utterly disgusting difference between those crimes perpetrated in the streets and the crimes planned and executed from the penthouses. This is the awful fact that, while nearly all of the street crime offenders are arrested, tried, and convicted for their violent crimes, the Ivy League offenders, the Skull and Bones conspirators in the centers of corporate capitalism and state and federal government, are seldom indicted, arrested, tried, and convicted for their crimes. If anything, they are allowed to continue their illegal escapades with mere slaps on the hand if they, per chance, are called to account for their conduct.
To walk in the likeness of Jesus doesn’t require perfection, but, rather, that a person try, in every way, to be basically honest and to love his neighbor as himself. Of course, people trying diligently to walk the talk will err from time to time in their attempts to do what is right. But the “masters of deceit”, as the great deceiver, J. Edger Hoover, so vehemently penned, will continue to deceive the American public and work against the ultimate good because of their immunity in a republic that was originally geared to accommodate the wealthy and politically powerful.
Norton R. Nowlin holds M.A. and B.A. degrees from the University of Texas at Tyler. He lives with his wife Diane and works as a paralegal specialist with the Board of Veteran's Appeals in Washington, D.C. Mr. Nowlin is a regular op-ed columnist for the "Times of Snohomish County," published by the "Seattle Times"
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Human Factor in Marketing
The human factor is the most important factor and this we cannot control! A second important factor is a product of the first: The message the company is sending. Is there a direct connection between the message sent in advertising and our unconscious reaction? Between marketing and that what employees talk about over lunch or what is said when a group of friends meet? Between marketing and the morale within the company? Between marketing and the company identity?
An employee is a representative of his company 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. What he says and does, whether consciously or unconsciously, rubs off on the impression that the environment has of the company he is employed by. There is a reason why companies with a good reputation can employ good personnel easier than others with not such a good reputation!
Let Your Employees be The Message
In smaller companies – and especially in their growth phases – internal conveyance of the identity is a decisive factor in marketing. Every employee is a messenger whose potential should not underestimated, whether for possible customers or future employees and investors. Regardless of whether you are in the process of obtaining the best or most qualified employees, or trying to convince investors of the stability of the company, the behaviour and attitude of your employees is crucial. Trust, especially for smaller companies is a vital necessity. Customers, investors and employees judge products and services in connection with the reputation of the company offering them.
An employee is a representative of his company 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. What he says and does, whether consciously or unconsciously, rubs off on the impression that the environment has of the company he is employed by. There is a reason why companies with a good reputation can employ good personnel easier than others with not such a good reputation!
Let Your Employees be The Message
In smaller companies – and especially in their growth phases – internal conveyance of the identity is a decisive factor in marketing. Every employee is a messenger whose potential should not underestimated, whether for possible customers or future employees and investors. Regardless of whether you are in the process of obtaining the best or most qualified employees, or trying to convince investors of the stability of the company, the behaviour and attitude of your employees is crucial. Trust, especially for smaller companies is a vital necessity. Customers, investors and employees judge products and services in connection with the reputation of the company offering them.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Is Human Behavior Learned?
Yes! Human behavior is past down from generation to generation. Human behavior is learned behavior. What do you think about that? Just remember that an explanation is not a justification. Crime is a reality in our country whether we like it or not. Poor family values, poverty, poor education, these are the contributing factors that lead many men and women to crime. There are some well read and educated persons who believe that the human brain is wired for violence.
What if I told you that violence was learned? Violence is past down from generation to generation, like wealth and heirlooms. Do you find that hard to believe? What if I told that when human beings lived in caves and ate raw meat, a man and a woman had to be as aggressive and violent as the animals around them in order to survive. "Wow", human beings had to be as aggressive and cunning and primal as the other animals!
Now look at human history, (world history). Now ask yourself, can you see in our world history and the different systems of government. We can see democracy, monarchy, dynasty, tyranny, and empire; all of these forms of government were created by violence, blood shed, or revolution. It is hard to believe that every democracy started with revolution! We value this system of government so much that we will force other countries and people to adopt it.
We are appalled by violence and criminal behavior. We see movies with men in masks cutting up, and torturing and then ultimately killing a naked girl. We read comic books and see violent images on television. Now if you compound these things with children who have never been nurtured or taught how to inter-act with other human beings in a healthy manner. We get what we have now, large prison populations and high crime.
Is human behavior learned? Yes! A child's mind is open and is like a fresh piece of clay. A child's mind is programmed by what he or she hears and sees. We can stop crime completely, with our youngest generations. We can teach positive and edifying social skills. Children are unfortunately taught fear, pride and prejudice and hatred. Children can also be taught to love, and respect themselves and others.
What if I told you that violence was learned? Violence is past down from generation to generation, like wealth and heirlooms. Do you find that hard to believe? What if I told that when human beings lived in caves and ate raw meat, a man and a woman had to be as aggressive and violent as the animals around them in order to survive. "Wow", human beings had to be as aggressive and cunning and primal as the other animals!
Now look at human history, (world history). Now ask yourself, can you see in our world history and the different systems of government. We can see democracy, monarchy, dynasty, tyranny, and empire; all of these forms of government were created by violence, blood shed, or revolution. It is hard to believe that every democracy started with revolution! We value this system of government so much that we will force other countries and people to adopt it.
We are appalled by violence and criminal behavior. We see movies with men in masks cutting up, and torturing and then ultimately killing a naked girl. We read comic books and see violent images on television. Now if you compound these things with children who have never been nurtured or taught how to inter-act with other human beings in a healthy manner. We get what we have now, large prison populations and high crime.
Is human behavior learned? Yes! A child's mind is open and is like a fresh piece of clay. A child's mind is programmed by what he or she hears and sees. We can stop crime completely, with our youngest generations. We can teach positive and edifying social skills. Children are unfortunately taught fear, pride and prejudice and hatred. Children can also be taught to love, and respect themselves and others.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The 7 Human Emotions
Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it. If you don't like the way you're feeling, change the meaning." – Anthony Robbins
What are emotions? Emotions are nothing but feelings or a state of mind where your conscious focus generated a certain mental and physical state. The way we feel is arguably the most important aspect of life. No matter what we want whether it be more money, better relationships, more time or a better body, it all comes down to emotions. Huh? Yes! See it is not a better body or more money you are really after but rather the feelings you associate to having more money or a better body. Emotions form the core of our lives and more specifically the 7 human emotions that drive our behaviour.
All the emotions we experience are not only rooted in our own minds, but they are even "created" by us. Some people think that the emotions they experience are entirely out of their control and that emotions are spontaneous reactions to the events of our lives. If we are going to take control of our emotions, especially the 7 human emotions, then we need to understand that avoiding, denying or ignoring emotions will harm you more than actually dealing with them.
There are those that believe that there are 7 human emotions that drive all human behaviour. In reality there are only two human emotions that drive us. These two emotions are Pain and Pleasure. Everything we do in our lives we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our need to gain pleasure. These two categories of emotions contain all of either the positive or the negative of the 7 human emotions. Jeremy Bentham said it best: "Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure...they govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think: every effort we can make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and confirm it"
The positive spectrum of the 7 human emotions will drive us to pleasure and that is why we pursue them. The negative spectrum of the 7 human emotions will drive us towards pain and that is why we will do anything to avoid it. It is also important to notice that we will do more to avoid painful emotions than we will do to gain pleasurable emotions as this is instinctive to our nature as human beings.
The 7 human emotions of Pain are: 1. Fear 2. Hatred 3. Anger 4. Greed 5. Jealousy 6. Revenge 7. Superstition
These are the emotions we are all trying to avoid as the experience of them will inevitable be a painful emotion.
The 7 human emotions of pleasure are: 1. Love 2. Sex 3. Hope 4. Faith 5. Sympathy 6. Optimism 7. Loyalty
"The secret of success is learning to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that you are in control of your life. If you don't life controls you" - Anthony Robbins.
All emotions serve a purpose and a very important purpose as such. We all want to experience the positive side of the 7 human emotions and often we seek for it in the wrong places. Drugs, alcohol, smoking ex. are all devises we use to get out of pain and into pleasure. They are things we do to instantaneously suppress the negative emotions we may experience. The truth is that suppressing or ignoring an emotion will only amplify it until you deal with it. If we heed and utilize the signals that emotions give us we can change the quality of our lives and experience of life immediately.
What are emotions? Emotions are nothing but feelings or a state of mind where your conscious focus generated a certain mental and physical state. The way we feel is arguably the most important aspect of life. No matter what we want whether it be more money, better relationships, more time or a better body, it all comes down to emotions. Huh? Yes! See it is not a better body or more money you are really after but rather the feelings you associate to having more money or a better body. Emotions form the core of our lives and more specifically the 7 human emotions that drive our behaviour.
All the emotions we experience are not only rooted in our own minds, but they are even "created" by us. Some people think that the emotions they experience are entirely out of their control and that emotions are spontaneous reactions to the events of our lives. If we are going to take control of our emotions, especially the 7 human emotions, then we need to understand that avoiding, denying or ignoring emotions will harm you more than actually dealing with them.
There are those that believe that there are 7 human emotions that drive all human behaviour. In reality there are only two human emotions that drive us. These two emotions are Pain and Pleasure. Everything we do in our lives we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our need to gain pleasure. These two categories of emotions contain all of either the positive or the negative of the 7 human emotions. Jeremy Bentham said it best: "Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure...they govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think: every effort we can make to throw off our subjection, will serve but to demonstrate and confirm it"
The positive spectrum of the 7 human emotions will drive us to pleasure and that is why we pursue them. The negative spectrum of the 7 human emotions will drive us towards pain and that is why we will do anything to avoid it. It is also important to notice that we will do more to avoid painful emotions than we will do to gain pleasurable emotions as this is instinctive to our nature as human beings.
The 7 human emotions of Pain are: 1. Fear 2. Hatred 3. Anger 4. Greed 5. Jealousy 6. Revenge 7. Superstition
These are the emotions we are all trying to avoid as the experience of them will inevitable be a painful emotion.
The 7 human emotions of pleasure are: 1. Love 2. Sex 3. Hope 4. Faith 5. Sympathy 6. Optimism 7. Loyalty
"The secret of success is learning to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that you are in control of your life. If you don't life controls you" - Anthony Robbins.
All emotions serve a purpose and a very important purpose as such. We all want to experience the positive side of the 7 human emotions and often we seek for it in the wrong places. Drugs, alcohol, smoking ex. are all devises we use to get out of pain and into pleasure. They are things we do to instantaneously suppress the negative emotions we may experience. The truth is that suppressing or ignoring an emotion will only amplify it until you deal with it. If we heed and utilize the signals that emotions give us we can change the quality of our lives and experience of life immediately.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
How Human Behaviour Shapes Successful Business Strategies
People are fundamentally sheep - isn’t that what we’re always told? Sure, everyone likes to think that they are an individual and that they make individual decisions about what they do and how they choose to act, but the reality is that most of what we do is heavily influenced by the behaviour of others.
This is human behaviour, which is herd-like. As social creatures, what we do or don’t do is often based on what others are doing or not doing. People don’t really think about their actions. In fact, Mark Earls, a leading human behaviour and strategy expert, would argue that very often thinking comes after the fact - people act and process it later. He would also say that there’s not much point in asking people why they do what they do, because they don’t actually know.
Now, the trick is to harness the power of human behaviour to create successful business strategies and to build powerful brands. If you consider the power of crowd mentality in your strategies (which perhaps goes a little against conventional wisdom about how people make choices) you are virtually guaranteed to have a strategy that will succeed. Why? Simply because you will be able to develop strategies that work by understanding peoples’ behaviour. You will understand how new ideas really catch on and are disseminated, and how to create momentum and longevity behind your strategic objectives - whatever these may be.
Considering people are the number one resource in business today, it’s surprising how little we consider the true nature of human beings within the scope of business strategy. A century ago, the main resource of a business was capital which bought the things a business needed to thrive such as land, materials, transport and so forth. Today though, up to 85% of the economy in developed countries is based on human interaction at a variety of levels.
This is why it’s important to understand human behaviour and to shape strategy around it - because people (staff, customers, suppliers and distributers etc) are an essential resource in today’s business world.
Mark Earls challenges strategists to really think about things. In an eBook entitled Understanding How Behaviour Shapes Strategy, he discusses his thinking on the subject of people and strategy. Thing is, our misconceptions about human behaviour and why people do things is what fundamentally undermines most strategies. A different view of people may just change the rules for forward-thinking businesses.
Earls contends that while Marketing attempts to shape mass behaviour, its attempts are poor. This is shown by the fact that most new products fail within the first year, and the ones that survive struggle to make any long-lasting or substantial impact on the consumers’ behaviour. He goes on to say that the reason for this is perhaps that our interpretation of what causes human behaviour and how to shape it is wrong.
Earls says there are two views that are fundamentally flawed in our understanding of what shapes behaviour. Firstly, we think that to change behaviour we need to change minds when in fact the opposite is true. The second mistake we make is thinking that ideas and behaviour spread through “the corridors of influence”, through ‘The Few’ when in fact it is ‘The Many’ that really make the difference.
When you consider the relationship between attitudes and behaviour, how new ideas and habits get formed and how to create the momentum that creates real and lasting change you will find that the best strategies take human behaviour into account. Strategies in fact only work if they change human behaviour. Whether you are dealing with staff, customers, investors or others, you first have to understand how people work and how new ideas catch on to appreciate what makes for successful business strategies.
This is human behaviour, which is herd-like. As social creatures, what we do or don’t do is often based on what others are doing or not doing. People don’t really think about their actions. In fact, Mark Earls, a leading human behaviour and strategy expert, would argue that very often thinking comes after the fact - people act and process it later. He would also say that there’s not much point in asking people why they do what they do, because they don’t actually know.
Now, the trick is to harness the power of human behaviour to create successful business strategies and to build powerful brands. If you consider the power of crowd mentality in your strategies (which perhaps goes a little against conventional wisdom about how people make choices) you are virtually guaranteed to have a strategy that will succeed. Why? Simply because you will be able to develop strategies that work by understanding peoples’ behaviour. You will understand how new ideas really catch on and are disseminated, and how to create momentum and longevity behind your strategic objectives - whatever these may be.
Considering people are the number one resource in business today, it’s surprising how little we consider the true nature of human beings within the scope of business strategy. A century ago, the main resource of a business was capital which bought the things a business needed to thrive such as land, materials, transport and so forth. Today though, up to 85% of the economy in developed countries is based on human interaction at a variety of levels.
This is why it’s important to understand human behaviour and to shape strategy around it - because people (staff, customers, suppliers and distributers etc) are an essential resource in today’s business world.
Mark Earls challenges strategists to really think about things. In an eBook entitled Understanding How Behaviour Shapes Strategy, he discusses his thinking on the subject of people and strategy. Thing is, our misconceptions about human behaviour and why people do things is what fundamentally undermines most strategies. A different view of people may just change the rules for forward-thinking businesses.
Earls contends that while Marketing attempts to shape mass behaviour, its attempts are poor. This is shown by the fact that most new products fail within the first year, and the ones that survive struggle to make any long-lasting or substantial impact on the consumers’ behaviour. He goes on to say that the reason for this is perhaps that our interpretation of what causes human behaviour and how to shape it is wrong.
Earls says there are two views that are fundamentally flawed in our understanding of what shapes behaviour. Firstly, we think that to change behaviour we need to change minds when in fact the opposite is true. The second mistake we make is thinking that ideas and behaviour spread through “the corridors of influence”, through ‘The Few’ when in fact it is ‘The Many’ that really make the difference.
When you consider the relationship between attitudes and behaviour, how new ideas and habits get formed and how to create the momentum that creates real and lasting change you will find that the best strategies take human behaviour into account. Strategies in fact only work if they change human behaviour. Whether you are dealing with staff, customers, investors or others, you first have to understand how people work and how new ideas catch on to appreciate what makes for successful business strategies.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Repetitive Dreams and Human Behavior
Repetitive dreams reflect behavioral disorders not well defined and visible to the outside world.
When you experience the same dream many times in your life, it is because you are procrastinating about something very important that must be done for your own safety. This is always related to your behavior; the dream is not telling you to go back to school and finish your studies for example, even though this necessity could be part of what you are procrastinating about.
The repetitive dreams are very serious. They show you that you have to understand something very important that you are ignoring and that you have to change your behavior, once you realise it. They reflect your immaturity on some levels and your ignorance as well.
Therefore, repetitive dreams reflect the repetition of your mistakes; you do not understand what you have to do, and therefore you are not doing what you must do. This is why the wise unconscious mind is trying to make you aware of it in your dreams.
Your dreams address the themes of your life and your psychical world. Later they start addressing issues about other people and the reality of where you are in your life.
If you keep seeing the same dream, this is because you still haven't learned the lesson. The unconscious mind has to show you the same thing many times, in the hope that some day you'll learn the lesson.
You have to care about the interpretation of your dreams and use the unique scientific method which exactly translates their meaning.
If you cannot understand what you are procrastinating about and what is wrong with you, don't worry. Start writing down your dreams and translating their symbolic meaning - your own dreams will show you which exactly your problems are and how you can solve them.
Repetitive dreams are very common; you are not the only one that sees them.
The bitter truth is that most people have repetitive dreams in their lives, but they never care about their meaning and this is why they never correct their mistakes or change their behavior.
Your dreams are very important messages from the unconscious mind, which is constantly trying to save the human side of your conscience from the invasion of the craziness which exists in the wild side of your conscience. Dreams are like slides with lessons and essential information for you.
If you care about their meaning and you follow the guidance you receive, you are going to correct behavioral disorders and negative tendencies before they ruin your personality and your life, and discover wisdom, self-confidence, peace and happiness.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
When you experience the same dream many times in your life, it is because you are procrastinating about something very important that must be done for your own safety. This is always related to your behavior; the dream is not telling you to go back to school and finish your studies for example, even though this necessity could be part of what you are procrastinating about.
The repetitive dreams are very serious. They show you that you have to understand something very important that you are ignoring and that you have to change your behavior, once you realise it. They reflect your immaturity on some levels and your ignorance as well.
Therefore, repetitive dreams reflect the repetition of your mistakes; you do not understand what you have to do, and therefore you are not doing what you must do. This is why the wise unconscious mind is trying to make you aware of it in your dreams.
Your dreams address the themes of your life and your psychical world. Later they start addressing issues about other people and the reality of where you are in your life.
If you keep seeing the same dream, this is because you still haven't learned the lesson. The unconscious mind has to show you the same thing many times, in the hope that some day you'll learn the lesson.
You have to care about the interpretation of your dreams and use the unique scientific method which exactly translates their meaning.
If you cannot understand what you are procrastinating about and what is wrong with you, don't worry. Start writing down your dreams and translating their symbolic meaning - your own dreams will show you which exactly your problems are and how you can solve them.
Repetitive dreams are very common; you are not the only one that sees them.
The bitter truth is that most people have repetitive dreams in their lives, but they never care about their meaning and this is why they never correct their mistakes or change their behavior.
Your dreams are very important messages from the unconscious mind, which is constantly trying to save the human side of your conscience from the invasion of the craziness which exists in the wild side of your conscience. Dreams are like slides with lessons and essential information for you.
If you care about their meaning and you follow the guidance you receive, you are going to correct behavioral disorders and negative tendencies before they ruin your personality and your life, and discover wisdom, self-confidence, peace and happiness.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behaviour is one of the most crucial elements of management studies. This subject has been greatly researched upon and many great management thinkers have come up with separate theories which give us a fair idea about the nitty-gritty of this term. Organizational behaviour, as the name suggests, is the study of how individuals, people and various groups function in an organization. By adopting system approach methodology which focuses on the dynamics between people and organization in its entirety, it manages to create improved relationship within the organization. Organizational behaviour encompasses multitude of human dimensions including leadership, human behaviour, human psychology, motivation, change, culture which all combine together to achieve humans and organizational objectives.
Organizational behaviour uses some scientific means to understand the dynamics of individuals and group within the organization. It also seeks to study the structures and strategies guiding the motives of employees and organizations. It seeks to explain what motivates the individuals in an organization. Many eminent authors have presented their versions of organization behaviour. Among them, Chester Barnard, Frederick Herzberg, Henri Fayol, David McClelland, Abraham Maslow and Victor Vroom have presented interesting facets of the factors associated with organizational behaviour. Organizational behaviour as a subject was explored in detail by the Frederick Taylor, propagator of scientific management. He used the concept of goal settings and resultant rewards which culminated in better productivity. This study was followed by famous Hawthorne experiment conducted by Elton Mayo.
Thereafter, one after another theory started pouring in. All of them tried to explain human motives. Like theory X & Y, Maslow's motivational theory and others. According to them, for individuals' motivation differ from person to person. For some workers its monetary compensations whereas for others, social and affiliation needs are more important. Employees also tend to be more productive in a friendly working environment. People from different race and continent have different working habits and needs. All these experimentations and discoveries helped organization in aligning their strategies and structures with various set of needs and requirements.
Organizational behaviour uses some scientific means to understand the dynamics of individuals and group within the organization. It also seeks to study the structures and strategies guiding the motives of employees and organizations. It seeks to explain what motivates the individuals in an organization. Many eminent authors have presented their versions of organization behaviour. Among them, Chester Barnard, Frederick Herzberg, Henri Fayol, David McClelland, Abraham Maslow and Victor Vroom have presented interesting facets of the factors associated with organizational behaviour. Organizational behaviour as a subject was explored in detail by the Frederick Taylor, propagator of scientific management. He used the concept of goal settings and resultant rewards which culminated in better productivity. This study was followed by famous Hawthorne experiment conducted by Elton Mayo.
Thereafter, one after another theory started pouring in. All of them tried to explain human motives. Like theory X & Y, Maslow's motivational theory and others. According to them, for individuals' motivation differ from person to person. For some workers its monetary compensations whereas for others, social and affiliation needs are more important. Employees also tend to be more productive in a friendly working environment. People from different race and continent have different working habits and needs. All these experimentations and discoveries helped organization in aligning their strategies and structures with various set of needs and requirements.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Reflection on Human Nature
Yesterday was Friday, and I sat for quite a long time pondering what it takes for a person to act as Christian in his walk as he claims to do in his talk, and my derived conclusions about the matter weren’t at all comforting. Reality and the devastating wave of human nature capsized and inundated the fragile boat carrying my last perishable cargo of optimism. Reflections of over a half-a-century of dealing closely with human beings, who have pompously worn the symbol of Jesus on their forehead but, by their behavior, have displayed an affinity to Satan, poignantly gathered in a still stream of conscious recollection, which were as vivid as they were provocative.
If the Judeo-Christian God has freely granted mankind the agency to gradually destroy itself, by first eviscerating its own collective soul through murderous strife and then its material substance through a systematic obliteration of planet ecology, the great master of the universe must know that the world in on its last legs. Yet, with all of the pain and suffering that the practice of abject evil has brought upon the family of man, much more oblivion is inexorably anticipated as the creator of heaven and earth permits the procurator of perdition, man himself, to have a final say in the destruction of this third rock from the sun.
Amazingly, most of the violent deaths which have occurred in the past five-thousand years of human history have been attributed to religious conflicts, of one type or another, more than to any other cause. Recorded history, anthropology, and archaeology reflect this sobering fact. Though the physical, cognitive, and spiritual multi-dimensional nature of modern man makes it possible for a person to be both good and evil at almost the same moment, the conflict that will inevitably result from such an embroilment is utterly indeterminable. From a survey of the historical course of humanity, from Herodotus to the present, religious evil has manifested a much more pervasive influence over human affairs than the power of secular good. This type of crude anti-social behavior conforms exactly to the purest, vilest depiction of human nature. The old, but trite, biblical scripture, “though the spirit is indeed willing, the flesh is weak,” clearly shows the mortal struggle, or, rather, the excusable dilemma, between a greater good and a lesser evil, which has dominated every military confrontation initiated and controlled by underlying religious hierarchal power.
In 1945, when atomic energy was consummated with the success of the U.S. Manhattan Project, and suddenly there was no longer a genuine need for “the bomb” with the surrender of Germany,” General Leslie Grove, the chief military officer in charge of Manhattan, manipulated Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer into finishing “the bomb” through equating American military control of nuclear energy with what was “right, just, and decreed by God.” The report written to President Roosevelt by a group of concerned atomic scientists at the University of Chicago, called political subversives by the FBI and U.S. Army Intelligence, which declared the moral evil of using the atomic bomb against the Japanese, never reached the White House. It was, instead, intercepted by Grove and condescendingly shown to Oppenheimer with the general’s admonition that, “I’ve always believed that the Lord was behind us in this endeavor.” Grove knew that the inflation of Oppenheimer’s ego was the key to the ultimate finalization and use of “the bomb” on Japan. While most of the scientists at Los Alamos were ambivalent and morally uncertain about the military use of atomic energy, it was the cajoling of Oppenheimer and the play on the brilliant doctor’s vanity by Lesllie Grove that led J. Robert to push the project staff to its successful completion.
Invoking a Judeo-Christian mandate by deity, and propagandistically influencing a nation to overwhelmingly believe that God had singularly delivered the power of the atom into American hands was surely as dramatic a play on political pragmatism as the Nazis causing a nation of Germans to believe that the Jewish people were sub-human. As a result of Truman’s decision to use the atomic bombs, which were dropped on two Japanese cities, over 200,000 innocent Japanese people were murdered in the blink of an eye, and thousands of others died later from radiation poisoning.
And so it is that, even now, there are people pretending to be good when they are intrinsically as evil as ancient sin. As there are crimes in the streets committed by desperate men and women driven by physical and mental addictions to rob, kill, and pillage, there are crimes in the suites of high skyscrapers and regal centers of government calculatingly committed by cunningly wealthy men who publicly portray the epitome of moral and spiritual virtue. Which are worse, crimes committed by people driven by poverty and utter social desperation to rob and kill, or those planned in conspiratorial circles and clandestinely carried out by men and women of affluence? These criminally gifted charlatans are capable of deceiving their many supporters into believing that what they do is beyond reproach, when, in fact, their ultimate goals are exactly opposite to the public good. People such as James K. Polk, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Spiro T. Agnew, John Poindexter, Oliver North, Ronald Reagon and, of course, George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld are on this long list of the rich and infamous.
History records that Polk lied and deceived Congress into declaring war against Mexico in 1846. Wilson blatantly lied to the American people, pretending to support neutrality during WWI while secretly preparing for American entry against Germany in 1917. Franklin Roosevelt made secret negotiations with Winston Churchill for American entry into the war against Germany, while manipulating Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor with a foreign policy of economic intimidation. Then Roosevelt knew within forty-eight hours that Japan was going to attack at dawn on December 7, 1941, but ordered that the naval command at Pearl not be warned. Lyndon Johnson knew about the Pentagon Papers and lied to the American public about the status of the Vietnam War. Over fifty-eight thousand Americans died in the protracted Southeast-Asian melee. Almost everyone knows about Richard Nixon, Water Gate, and how Nixon should have been prosecuted instead of pardoned by Gerald Ford. Spiro T. Agnew feigned his honesty and integrity as a public servant and stole money from the taxpayers. Admiral Poindexter lied to Congress and covertly led the Iran-Contra mob in their illegal operations.
Oliver North, a disgraced U.S. Marine, lied to Congress and acted illegally to destroy evidence of his, and others, involvement in the Iran-Contra conspiracy. Ronald Reagan comically scratched his head and, after being asked about his involvement with Iran-Contra, looked convincingly perplexed and replied, “I can’t remember what I did.” And he was believed by Congress, when he was a supposedly accomplished actor.
Of course, we now come to George W. Bush and company, the oligarchy within a republic that has done more since “Dubya’s” inauguration in 2001 to criminally subvert the American nation than other presidential administration since Franklin Roosevelt. Iraq has become another Vietnam with every indication that a permanent American presence in the Middle East is imminent, and that an anti-American terrorist insurgency around the world is proliferating. There is, however, a profound and utterly disgusting difference between those crimes perpetrated in the streets and the crimes planned and executed from the penthouses. This is the awful fact that, while nearly all of the street crime offenders are arrested, tried, and convicted for their violent crimes, the Ivy League offenders, the Skull and Bones conspirators in the centers of corporate capitalism and state and federal government, are seldom indicted, arrested, tried, and convicted for their crimes. If anything, they are allowed to continue their illegal escapades with mere slaps on the hand if they, per chance, are called to account for their conduct.
To walk in the likeness of Jesus doesn’t require perfection, but, rather, that a person try, in every way, to be basically honest and to love his neighbor as himself. Of course, people trying diligently to walk the talk will err from time to time in their attempts to do what is right. But the “masters of deceit”, as the great deceiver, J. Edger Hoover, so vehemently penned, will continue to deceive the American public and work against the ultimate good because of their immunity in a republic that was originally geared to accommodate the wealthy and politically powerful.
Norton R. Nowlin holds M.A. and B.A. degrees from the University of Texas at Tyler. He lives with his wife Diane and works as a paralegal specialist with the Board of Veteran's Appeals in Washington, D.C. Mr. Nowlin is a regular op-ed columnist for the "Times of Snohomish County," published by the "Seattle Times."
If the Judeo-Christian God has freely granted mankind the agency to gradually destroy itself, by first eviscerating its own collective soul through murderous strife and then its material substance through a systematic obliteration of planet ecology, the great master of the universe must know that the world in on its last legs. Yet, with all of the pain and suffering that the practice of abject evil has brought upon the family of man, much more oblivion is inexorably anticipated as the creator of heaven and earth permits the procurator of perdition, man himself, to have a final say in the destruction of this third rock from the sun.
Amazingly, most of the violent deaths which have occurred in the past five-thousand years of human history have been attributed to religious conflicts, of one type or another, more than to any other cause. Recorded history, anthropology, and archaeology reflect this sobering fact. Though the physical, cognitive, and spiritual multi-dimensional nature of modern man makes it possible for a person to be both good and evil at almost the same moment, the conflict that will inevitably result from such an embroilment is utterly indeterminable. From a survey of the historical course of humanity, from Herodotus to the present, religious evil has manifested a much more pervasive influence over human affairs than the power of secular good. This type of crude anti-social behavior conforms exactly to the purest, vilest depiction of human nature. The old, but trite, biblical scripture, “though the spirit is indeed willing, the flesh is weak,” clearly shows the mortal struggle, or, rather, the excusable dilemma, between a greater good and a lesser evil, which has dominated every military confrontation initiated and controlled by underlying religious hierarchal power.
In 1945, when atomic energy was consummated with the success of the U.S. Manhattan Project, and suddenly there was no longer a genuine need for “the bomb” with the surrender of Germany,” General Leslie Grove, the chief military officer in charge of Manhattan, manipulated Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer into finishing “the bomb” through equating American military control of nuclear energy with what was “right, just, and decreed by God.” The report written to President Roosevelt by a group of concerned atomic scientists at the University of Chicago, called political subversives by the FBI and U.S. Army Intelligence, which declared the moral evil of using the atomic bomb against the Japanese, never reached the White House. It was, instead, intercepted by Grove and condescendingly shown to Oppenheimer with the general’s admonition that, “I’ve always believed that the Lord was behind us in this endeavor.” Grove knew that the inflation of Oppenheimer’s ego was the key to the ultimate finalization and use of “the bomb” on Japan. While most of the scientists at Los Alamos were ambivalent and morally uncertain about the military use of atomic energy, it was the cajoling of Oppenheimer and the play on the brilliant doctor’s vanity by Lesllie Grove that led J. Robert to push the project staff to its successful completion.
Invoking a Judeo-Christian mandate by deity, and propagandistically influencing a nation to overwhelmingly believe that God had singularly delivered the power of the atom into American hands was surely as dramatic a play on political pragmatism as the Nazis causing a nation of Germans to believe that the Jewish people were sub-human. As a result of Truman’s decision to use the atomic bombs, which were dropped on two Japanese cities, over 200,000 innocent Japanese people were murdered in the blink of an eye, and thousands of others died later from radiation poisoning.
And so it is that, even now, there are people pretending to be good when they are intrinsically as evil as ancient sin. As there are crimes in the streets committed by desperate men and women driven by physical and mental addictions to rob, kill, and pillage, there are crimes in the suites of high skyscrapers and regal centers of government calculatingly committed by cunningly wealthy men who publicly portray the epitome of moral and spiritual virtue. Which are worse, crimes committed by people driven by poverty and utter social desperation to rob and kill, or those planned in conspiratorial circles and clandestinely carried out by men and women of affluence? These criminally gifted charlatans are capable of deceiving their many supporters into believing that what they do is beyond reproach, when, in fact, their ultimate goals are exactly opposite to the public good. People such as James K. Polk, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Spiro T. Agnew, John Poindexter, Oliver North, Ronald Reagon and, of course, George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld are on this long list of the rich and infamous.
History records that Polk lied and deceived Congress into declaring war against Mexico in 1846. Wilson blatantly lied to the American people, pretending to support neutrality during WWI while secretly preparing for American entry against Germany in 1917. Franklin Roosevelt made secret negotiations with Winston Churchill for American entry into the war against Germany, while manipulating Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor with a foreign policy of economic intimidation. Then Roosevelt knew within forty-eight hours that Japan was going to attack at dawn on December 7, 1941, but ordered that the naval command at Pearl not be warned. Lyndon Johnson knew about the Pentagon Papers and lied to the American public about the status of the Vietnam War. Over fifty-eight thousand Americans died in the protracted Southeast-Asian melee. Almost everyone knows about Richard Nixon, Water Gate, and how Nixon should have been prosecuted instead of pardoned by Gerald Ford. Spiro T. Agnew feigned his honesty and integrity as a public servant and stole money from the taxpayers. Admiral Poindexter lied to Congress and covertly led the Iran-Contra mob in their illegal operations.
Oliver North, a disgraced U.S. Marine, lied to Congress and acted illegally to destroy evidence of his, and others, involvement in the Iran-Contra conspiracy. Ronald Reagan comically scratched his head and, after being asked about his involvement with Iran-Contra, looked convincingly perplexed and replied, “I can’t remember what I did.” And he was believed by Congress, when he was a supposedly accomplished actor.
Of course, we now come to George W. Bush and company, the oligarchy within a republic that has done more since “Dubya’s” inauguration in 2001 to criminally subvert the American nation than other presidential administration since Franklin Roosevelt. Iraq has become another Vietnam with every indication that a permanent American presence in the Middle East is imminent, and that an anti-American terrorist insurgency around the world is proliferating. There is, however, a profound and utterly disgusting difference between those crimes perpetrated in the streets and the crimes planned and executed from the penthouses. This is the awful fact that, while nearly all of the street crime offenders are arrested, tried, and convicted for their violent crimes, the Ivy League offenders, the Skull and Bones conspirators in the centers of corporate capitalism and state and federal government, are seldom indicted, arrested, tried, and convicted for their crimes. If anything, they are allowed to continue their illegal escapades with mere slaps on the hand if they, per chance, are called to account for their conduct.
To walk in the likeness of Jesus doesn’t require perfection, but, rather, that a person try, in every way, to be basically honest and to love his neighbor as himself. Of course, people trying diligently to walk the talk will err from time to time in their attempts to do what is right. But the “masters of deceit”, as the great deceiver, J. Edger Hoover, so vehemently penned, will continue to deceive the American public and work against the ultimate good because of their immunity in a republic that was originally geared to accommodate the wealthy and politically powerful.
Norton R. Nowlin holds M.A. and B.A. degrees from the University of Texas at Tyler. He lives with his wife Diane and works as a paralegal specialist with the Board of Veteran's Appeals in Washington, D.C. Mr. Nowlin is a regular op-ed columnist for the "Times of Snohomish County," published by the "Seattle Times."
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Do You Control Your Behaviour?
Yes, you may control your behaviour when things are fine, when you understand someone is testing you or when you feel the situation demands certain diplomacy from your part.
Of course you can hold your tears and pretend you are fine. Surely you can hide your desire and give the impression that you are totally indifferent to someone...
Yes, you can also control your arms and never hurt your boss, your voice and never shout in the middle of the street, walk without making noise, give the impression you are whatever you wish, depending on the situation you are in. You decide what you'll show to the others.
However, I'd like to ask you now a few questions.
Would you control your behaviour if someone destroyed everything you built?
What would you do if someone you trusted the most betrayed you?
Would you control your behaviour if you lost everything you had or your reputation and position?
Would you control your behaviour if everything were totally different than what you expected, while you lived all your life hoping that things would continue to be the way they always were?
Could you control yourself while you spent all your energy expecting certain success? How would you behave in front of failure and misfortune?
You would not be able to control anything. You would become schizophrenic, psychotic, hysterical or neurotic.
You can control your behaviour only when you are not in an inferior position.
Now, you may ask me how you can be prepared to face despair without losing control, but my answer is not going to be what you may imagine.
I'm not going to tell you how to face despair without becoming crazy, but teach you how you can avoid despair, avoid misfortune, avoid being betrayed and avoid being a victim.
Yes, you will learn how to really control your behaviour more than what is humanely possible, but the solution I will give you is not only combined with conformism, like the solutions that all psychiatrists give you when you become crazy. As a matter of fact, psychiatrists don't prevent craziness, but only a supposed psychotherapy based on medicine when you are already crazy.
Dream interpretation will save you from craziness before you reach a dangerous stage and will protect you from misfortune and despair. You will be protected from accidents and diseases too. You will learn not only how to develop your psychic sphere and get rid of the inherent craziness in us, but you will also learn how to prevent diseases, bad events and accidents.
Craziness prevention through dream interpretation is not only a protection against your worst enemy, the wild and violent conscience you inherited, but also a protection against physical diseases and traumas, misfortune and failure.
Of course, real craziness prevention could not be like today's psychiatry!
If we wish to prevent craziness, we must prevent despair and misfortune, because they help the wild conscience cause craziness to our human conscience.
Everything depends on human behaviour and on the development of the human conscience, which has to eliminate the wild conscience by transforming it into a part of the human conscience.
Whatever happens to anyone is a consequence of their actions, their behaviour or their intentions.
If we want to eliminate terror from our lives, we have to eliminate our violent tendencies-accidents and diseases are caused by the negative energy within our psychic sphere.
Through dream interpretation you'll learn how to really control your behaviour in any situation and how to control your life, without facing despair. You'll see how our planet functions, the relation between your behaviour and daily life and many more things that will guide and protect you, so that you may live peacefully and happily, knowing who you are.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Of course you can hold your tears and pretend you are fine. Surely you can hide your desire and give the impression that you are totally indifferent to someone...
Yes, you can also control your arms and never hurt your boss, your voice and never shout in the middle of the street, walk without making noise, give the impression you are whatever you wish, depending on the situation you are in. You decide what you'll show to the others.
However, I'd like to ask you now a few questions.
Would you control your behaviour if someone destroyed everything you built?
What would you do if someone you trusted the most betrayed you?
Would you control your behaviour if you lost everything you had or your reputation and position?
Would you control your behaviour if everything were totally different than what you expected, while you lived all your life hoping that things would continue to be the way they always were?
Could you control yourself while you spent all your energy expecting certain success? How would you behave in front of failure and misfortune?
You would not be able to control anything. You would become schizophrenic, psychotic, hysterical or neurotic.
You can control your behaviour only when you are not in an inferior position.
Now, you may ask me how you can be prepared to face despair without losing control, but my answer is not going to be what you may imagine.
I'm not going to tell you how to face despair without becoming crazy, but teach you how you can avoid despair, avoid misfortune, avoid being betrayed and avoid being a victim.
Yes, you will learn how to really control your behaviour more than what is humanely possible, but the solution I will give you is not only combined with conformism, like the solutions that all psychiatrists give you when you become crazy. As a matter of fact, psychiatrists don't prevent craziness, but only a supposed psychotherapy based on medicine when you are already crazy.
Dream interpretation will save you from craziness before you reach a dangerous stage and will protect you from misfortune and despair. You will be protected from accidents and diseases too. You will learn not only how to develop your psychic sphere and get rid of the inherent craziness in us, but you will also learn how to prevent diseases, bad events and accidents.
Craziness prevention through dream interpretation is not only a protection against your worst enemy, the wild and violent conscience you inherited, but also a protection against physical diseases and traumas, misfortune and failure.
Of course, real craziness prevention could not be like today's psychiatry!
If we wish to prevent craziness, we must prevent despair and misfortune, because they help the wild conscience cause craziness to our human conscience.
Everything depends on human behaviour and on the development of the human conscience, which has to eliminate the wild conscience by transforming it into a part of the human conscience.
Whatever happens to anyone is a consequence of their actions, their behaviour or their intentions.
If we want to eliminate terror from our lives, we have to eliminate our violent tendencies-accidents and diseases are caused by the negative energy within our psychic sphere.
Through dream interpretation you'll learn how to really control your behaviour in any situation and how to control your life, without facing despair. You'll see how our planet functions, the relation between your behaviour and daily life and many more things that will guide and protect you, so that you may live peacefully and happily, knowing who you are.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
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