Thursday, December 24, 2009

Does Solar Flare Activity Affect Human Behavior and Psychology?

You can ask any highway patrolman in just about any state about this interesting fact; when it gets extremely hot outside, or it's very hot with high humidity, road rage is much more prevalent. Any dispatcher of any police station will tell you the same thing. And, I'm sure we've all heard that full moons bring out all the crazy people, and that anytime there is a full moon it's important to put more police officers on duty that evening.

Now then, what about solar flare activity? Does it affect human behavior and psychology? We know a full moon does, and we know extreme temperatures do, and with a solar flare you have increased atmospheric heat, and increased solar radiation. Now then, let me give you a quick little theory.

We also have a Solar Maximum on the way, and it seems humans get in a tizzy the more solar flares erupt, so, we should expect increased human violence and bad behavior for the next decade, during the solar maximum cycle. And during days when we have high solar flare activity, we should expect more violent acts by human beings.

During the last solar cycle, I used to track conflicts in the world and time them to the solar flares, the charts line up too coincidentally for chance probability. Now then, this was not a scientific study, just something that I worked on itself every time I saw something pretty insane in the newspaper, or on TV; I then checked the solar flare activity for the day.

We need to do more studies on this, because it appears that many human scientists are not looking here, and when I go onto the Internet and try to search these things, I don't come up with much. Nevertheless, I am personally convinced that there is a correlation, so, I hope you will please consider this.

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