How can anyone save our earth when there is a communist dictatorship in Canada? That is a Fact!
Would you like to have a nuclear plant forced into your front yard or next door? Have no say. That is a serious Fact!
Why is it they are forcing their will and desires on the majority of the population in western Canada? This will affect the United States people as well. For God's sake man you have to help contest this and write email, phone nonstop until they listen. "24/7" Hound the SK and Alta, government 's of Canada. please do your part. We are trying with our limited means.
Please everyone stop being a couch potato and don't let these people walk all over us!
Why is it that these few dictators of a bovine schizophrenia will not listen to the rest of the population and want to continue with their agenda?
They have not got the education to be a specialist in the nuclear field and don't care what facts have been telling them.
When it is a well known fact there is a major fault under the area where they want to plant one of these nuclear facilities. Educated people with factual reports put this under their noses, But they don't want to listen. Do we have to take maters into our own hands? Before these anally retentive disorders will listen.
Then there was the nuclear plant back east in Canada, where it was held back from the public for the longest of time and Denied. This is called Lying by omission. Can anyone trust these people if past behaviour is a predictor of future behaviour?
Myself being a research investigator field of CMA energy, and knowing that nuclear is only an experimental source of energy being thrust on the human race by people like Bruce Powers.
Who's only agenda is to line his pockets.
Nuclear power is only measurable with the instruments they have devise. These instruments DO NOT tell you if there is other particles that are being radiated we do not and are not able to detect.
Please consider this very serious, this means the future life of your children they are playing dangerous games with.
Do you really want to learn how to save our earth? Then we need to stop this before it's to late. On our site you can link through to help the only known research for CMA energy every time you buy products where all the commission is donated to research, Just use our links on our site. May be we can have this energy before these bullies get their agenda to far off the ground. You can feel you are doing your part.
The following people are mentally deficient and only want their desires to be heard.
They need to be called often over and over and told to stop their agenda, They have no right to force their desires on innocent people. They need to be told nuclear power is only experimental, Not to put all your eggs in one basket. There is a better way where power failures won't inconvenience everyone.
Government of Canada
Government of Saskatchewan
Government of Alberta
Bruce powers
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
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