Human being's 'sixth sense' for danger, long dismissed by some scientists as myth, actually exists in a part of the brain that also handles conflict resolution, according to a recent report in the journal Science.
The brain region - known as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) - actually raises the alarm about danger that fail to penetrate the consciene mind, said Joshua Brown of Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, in an interview.
The ACC is located near the top of the frontal lobes and along the walls that divide the left and rigth brains.
Brown used a computer programme that required health young people to respond to activity on the monitor, and measured their brain activity at 2.5 second intervals with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
The experiments showed that "our brains are better at picking up subtle warning signs than we previously thought", Brown said.
"In the past, we found activity in the ACC when people had to make a difficult decision...or after they made a mistake," Brown said.
But now the region can "actually learn to recognise when you might make a learns to warn you in advance when our behaviour might lead to a negative outcome".
The ACC is closely associated with some serious mental problems, including schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brown said the same neurotransmitter involved in drug addiction and Parkinson's disease - dopamine - also appears "to play a key role in training the ACC to recognise when to send the early warning signal".
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Malaria is one of the world's major diseases. It infects milions of people and the world health organization estimated that up to one million people die from malaria infection each year in Africa alone. Malaria is common in many parts of the tropics and can be found in some sub-tropical areas also. Since the 1950s, the world health organization has started one of the world's largest scientific projects in an attempts to eradicate malaria from the earth. The programme has mainly been based on large scale use of persistent insecticides and there have been notable successes. However, it has proved impossible to wipe out malaria from continents like Africa by present-day methods, and there are signs that the disease is spreading again. This is partly because some countries' control measures have been relaxed. It is also due to the mosquito developing strains which are immune to DDT and other persistent insecticides. Given our present state of knowledge and resources, this is best attempted by attacking the vector rather than pathogen.
The infected person has very high fever, headache, sometimes vomitting and general aches and pains. Malaria may cause convulsions and sometimes death in children and abortions in pregnant women. Due to the fact that the parasites destroy many red blood cells, malaria is a common cause of Anemia. Even if infected people are not suffering from a full attack of the diseases, they maybe generally indisposed and have no energy for their work. It is therefore important from an economic as well as a medical point of view to stamp out malaria.
Attempts to control the spread of malaria include the following:
protecting our bodies from mosqito bites by using mosquito nets at night and wearing clothes which covers our arms and legs in the evening.
Preventing mosquitoes from breeding by not providing suitable breeding places.
Grass and bushes should be kept short around houses and buildings because mosquitoes spend the day in the shade.
Inside walls should be painted a light colour so there are no dark corners for the mosquitoes to hide in during the day.
The parasite's development in the human body can be controlled by taking modern prophylactic drugs regularly.
Sufferers from the diseasecan treated with drugs.
The infected person has very high fever, headache, sometimes vomitting and general aches and pains. Malaria may cause convulsions and sometimes death in children and abortions in pregnant women. Due to the fact that the parasites destroy many red blood cells, malaria is a common cause of Anemia. Even if infected people are not suffering from a full attack of the diseases, they maybe generally indisposed and have no energy for their work. It is therefore important from an economic as well as a medical point of view to stamp out malaria.
Attempts to control the spread of malaria include the following:
protecting our bodies from mosqito bites by using mosquito nets at night and wearing clothes which covers our arms and legs in the evening.
Preventing mosquitoes from breeding by not providing suitable breeding places.
Grass and bushes should be kept short around houses and buildings because mosquitoes spend the day in the shade.
Inside walls should be painted a light colour so there are no dark corners for the mosquitoes to hide in during the day.
The parasite's development in the human body can be controlled by taking modern prophylactic drugs regularly.
Sufferers from the diseasecan treated with drugs.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Are You An Organ Donor?
So, what do you think? Are you planning to be an organ donor when the time comes? Yup, it's a pretty blunt question and I'm betting for most everyone, there is a pretty blunt answer one way or the other. Or maybe you're undecided ... well, I guess this article is for folks like you who are sitting on the fence about whether or not this is something that you will want to do. Okay, let's take a look.
This is an extremely controversial subject. Ask 10 people and you'll invariably get 10 different reasons why organ donation is a good thing or a bad thing. At it's basest level, organ donation means that when your life ends, you will be maintained on basic life support long enough for doctors to rip you open and harvest your organs! Gross, right?! Who wants to be disected (dead or alive) and have the bits and pieces that kept you alive all these years removed?!! And yet, there is another way to view this ...
Of course, when you die, you will no longer require your organs to survive. And you won't feel a thing when they are removed. The body that has been the shell holding all the precious things that make you unique will have no further purpose and neither will your organs unless they can be successfully transplanted into another human being potentially prolonging their life or at the very least improving its quality.
We have the science now to prolong life really indefinitely by using machines to breathe for us and medications to keep vital organs functioning, but that's not quality living. You can't wander in a spring woods when you're attached to half a hospital! You can't communicate with your loved ones when you are brain dead. When this time comes, it's time to release the energy of your life into the universe and give up the shell that supported your life ... including its contents.
Your heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, pancreas, tissues ... even your eyes. Any or all of these things can change the lives of others for the better ... and you get to live on in a way, through those people and their families. Wouldn't it be nice for your family to know that the heart that loved them beats on and continues to spread that love into the world? Imagine how your family might feel knowing that you are a hero! Imagine being able to change the life of a diabetic child who suffers through several shots a day with the gift of your pancreas or your eyes allowing a blind parent to see their child for the first time!
The concept of organ donation frightens many people ... but perhaps it's not the organ donation so much as the mortality that causes the fear. We all know intellectually that there is no reason for us to take our organs with us. They can be recycled just like so many things we use in our daily lives to either improve another life or through research to improve many lives.
There is also the school of thought that healthcare professionals see your organ donor card and reduce the level of care you receive in favour of someone who needs your organs. Is it possible that the sickest ones are left and those with a greater chance of survival might be favoured by doctors? Frankly, I don't think so. These people take an oath to "First, do no harm." Reducing or removing treatment from a potential organ donor would certainly contradict the core belief of their ethics system.
I'm not saying that unethical behaviour never happens in the medical community. I'm sure it is the same as any other, but I believe strongly that doctors are motivated by their ability to save even the most gravely ill or injured patients and that they take it quite personally when they can't.
Generally, those within the medical community that I have talked to on the subject have unequivocably said that, they NEVER remove care from even the most critically ill or injured patient until there is absolutely no hope available for that patient's survival without the support of machines. In most areas, brain death is the determining factor for cessation of treatment and the testing associated with that diagnosis is not cursory. Just imagine the lawsuits that might ensue if it could be proven that a doctor had arbitrarily decided to let a patient expire when there was any tenable hope at all! Malpractice would take on a whole new meaning!
For what it's worth, I am an organ donor. I believe strongly that it is the right thing to do for me and for those whose lives I may be able to save or improve by this one last act. By the time any action is taken on this decision, I don't expect I will be consulted for my opinion, but I'd like to think that I have a generous enough spirit to want that for others.
One last thing ... whatever you decide ... organ donor or not ... Tell your family, your physician and anyone else that might be in a position to be making decisions at a time when you won't be able to communicate. Make your wishes clear. It will save those you care most about the heartbreaking decision they would otherwise need to make on your behalf.
So where do you stand on this issue? Give it some thought!
About the Author
Wendy Blair, President of EMERG-e-Solve Inc. Parenting a Type 1 Diabetic and wanting to control the important decisions about healthcare for herself and her family led her to develop a user-friendly software called the LIFECompass Personal Health Record. For more information on the LIFECompass PHR and related topics, visit her blog at or email
This is an extremely controversial subject. Ask 10 people and you'll invariably get 10 different reasons why organ donation is a good thing or a bad thing. At it's basest level, organ donation means that when your life ends, you will be maintained on basic life support long enough for doctors to rip you open and harvest your organs! Gross, right?! Who wants to be disected (dead or alive) and have the bits and pieces that kept you alive all these years removed?!! And yet, there is another way to view this ...
Of course, when you die, you will no longer require your organs to survive. And you won't feel a thing when they are removed. The body that has been the shell holding all the precious things that make you unique will have no further purpose and neither will your organs unless they can be successfully transplanted into another human being potentially prolonging their life or at the very least improving its quality.
We have the science now to prolong life really indefinitely by using machines to breathe for us and medications to keep vital organs functioning, but that's not quality living. You can't wander in a spring woods when you're attached to half a hospital! You can't communicate with your loved ones when you are brain dead. When this time comes, it's time to release the energy of your life into the universe and give up the shell that supported your life ... including its contents.
Your heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, pancreas, tissues ... even your eyes. Any or all of these things can change the lives of others for the better ... and you get to live on in a way, through those people and their families. Wouldn't it be nice for your family to know that the heart that loved them beats on and continues to spread that love into the world? Imagine how your family might feel knowing that you are a hero! Imagine being able to change the life of a diabetic child who suffers through several shots a day with the gift of your pancreas or your eyes allowing a blind parent to see their child for the first time!
The concept of organ donation frightens many people ... but perhaps it's not the organ donation so much as the mortality that causes the fear. We all know intellectually that there is no reason for us to take our organs with us. They can be recycled just like so many things we use in our daily lives to either improve another life or through research to improve many lives.
There is also the school of thought that healthcare professionals see your organ donor card and reduce the level of care you receive in favour of someone who needs your organs. Is it possible that the sickest ones are left and those with a greater chance of survival might be favoured by doctors? Frankly, I don't think so. These people take an oath to "First, do no harm." Reducing or removing treatment from a potential organ donor would certainly contradict the core belief of their ethics system.
I'm not saying that unethical behaviour never happens in the medical community. I'm sure it is the same as any other, but I believe strongly that doctors are motivated by their ability to save even the most gravely ill or injured patients and that they take it quite personally when they can't.
Generally, those within the medical community that I have talked to on the subject have unequivocably said that, they NEVER remove care from even the most critically ill or injured patient until there is absolutely no hope available for that patient's survival without the support of machines. In most areas, brain death is the determining factor for cessation of treatment and the testing associated with that diagnosis is not cursory. Just imagine the lawsuits that might ensue if it could be proven that a doctor had arbitrarily decided to let a patient expire when there was any tenable hope at all! Malpractice would take on a whole new meaning!
For what it's worth, I am an organ donor. I believe strongly that it is the right thing to do for me and for those whose lives I may be able to save or improve by this one last act. By the time any action is taken on this decision, I don't expect I will be consulted for my opinion, but I'd like to think that I have a generous enough spirit to want that for others.
One last thing ... whatever you decide ... organ donor or not ... Tell your family, your physician and anyone else that might be in a position to be making decisions at a time when you won't be able to communicate. Make your wishes clear. It will save those you care most about the heartbreaking decision they would otherwise need to make on your behalf.
So where do you stand on this issue? Give it some thought!
About the Author
Wendy Blair, President of EMERG-e-Solve Inc. Parenting a Type 1 Diabetic and wanting to control the important decisions about healthcare for herself and her family led her to develop a user-friendly software called the LIFECompass Personal Health Record. For more information on the LIFECompass PHR and related topics, visit her blog at or email
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Communist dictatorship in North America!
How can anyone save our earth when there is a communist dictatorship in Canada? That is a Fact!
Would you like to have a nuclear plant forced into your front yard or next door? Have no say. That is a serious Fact!
Why is it they are forcing their will and desires on the majority of the population in western Canada? This will affect the United States people as well. For God's sake man you have to help contest this and write email, phone nonstop until they listen. "24/7" Hound the SK and Alta, government 's of Canada. please do your part. We are trying with our limited means.
Please everyone stop being a couch potato and don't let these people walk all over us!
Why is it that these few dictators of a bovine schizophrenia will not listen to the rest of the population and want to continue with their agenda?
They have not got the education to be a specialist in the nuclear field and don't care what facts have been telling them.
When it is a well known fact there is a major fault under the area where they want to plant one of these nuclear facilities. Educated people with factual reports put this under their noses, But they don't want to listen. Do we have to take maters into our own hands? Before these anally retentive disorders will listen.
Then there was the nuclear plant back east in Canada, where it was held back from the public for the longest of time and Denied. This is called Lying by omission. Can anyone trust these people if past behaviour is a predictor of future behaviour?
Myself being a research investigator field of CMA energy, and knowing that nuclear is only an experimental source of energy being thrust on the human race by people like Bruce Powers.
Who's only agenda is to line his pockets.
Nuclear power is only measurable with the instruments they have devise. These instruments DO NOT tell you if there is other particles that are being radiated we do not and are not able to detect.
Please consider this very serious, this means the future life of your children they are playing dangerous games with.
Do you really want to learn how to save our earth? Then we need to stop this before it's to late. On our site you can link through to help the only known research for CMA energy every time you buy products where all the commission is donated to research, Just use our links on our site. May be we can have this energy before these bullies get their agenda to far off the ground. You can feel you are doing your part.
The following people are mentally deficient and only want their desires to be heard.
They need to be called often over and over and told to stop their agenda, They have no right to force their desires on innocent people. They need to be told nuclear power is only experimental, Not to put all your eggs in one basket. There is a better way where power failures won't inconvenience everyone.
Government of Canada
Government of Saskatchewan
Government of Alberta
Bruce powers
Would you like to have a nuclear plant forced into your front yard or next door? Have no say. That is a serious Fact!
Why is it they are forcing their will and desires on the majority of the population in western Canada? This will affect the United States people as well. For God's sake man you have to help contest this and write email, phone nonstop until they listen. "24/7" Hound the SK and Alta, government 's of Canada. please do your part. We are trying with our limited means.
Please everyone stop being a couch potato and don't let these people walk all over us!
Why is it that these few dictators of a bovine schizophrenia will not listen to the rest of the population and want to continue with their agenda?
They have not got the education to be a specialist in the nuclear field and don't care what facts have been telling them.
When it is a well known fact there is a major fault under the area where they want to plant one of these nuclear facilities. Educated people with factual reports put this under their noses, But they don't want to listen. Do we have to take maters into our own hands? Before these anally retentive disorders will listen.
Then there was the nuclear plant back east in Canada, where it was held back from the public for the longest of time and Denied. This is called Lying by omission. Can anyone trust these people if past behaviour is a predictor of future behaviour?
Myself being a research investigator field of CMA energy, and knowing that nuclear is only an experimental source of energy being thrust on the human race by people like Bruce Powers.
Who's only agenda is to line his pockets.
Nuclear power is only measurable with the instruments they have devise. These instruments DO NOT tell you if there is other particles that are being radiated we do not and are not able to detect.
Please consider this very serious, this means the future life of your children they are playing dangerous games with.
Do you really want to learn how to save our earth? Then we need to stop this before it's to late. On our site you can link through to help the only known research for CMA energy every time you buy products where all the commission is donated to research, Just use our links on our site. May be we can have this energy before these bullies get their agenda to far off the ground. You can feel you are doing your part.
The following people are mentally deficient and only want their desires to be heard.
They need to be called often over and over and told to stop their agenda, They have no right to force their desires on innocent people. They need to be told nuclear power is only experimental, Not to put all your eggs in one basket. There is a better way where power failures won't inconvenience everyone.
Government of Canada
Government of Saskatchewan
Government of Alberta
Bruce powers
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Cat Behaviour: Mirroring Human
Do you ever notice the behavior changing in your darling feline companion these days compare to the ones twenty years ago?
I don't know whether this only happen to my feline companions, or it might happen as well to you. I used to have cats who loved to wait-chase-catch rodents as their prey, and uhm, sometimes their favorite meals. How about my prevailing cats now behave? Very unsual. The rodents run back and forth exactly in front of their noses. They just ignore them completely, as if the rats were no longer consider as threats and exciting prey. If I may translate and interpret my cats mind, "Yucckk...the rats are disgusting creatures to play with and taste so bad to be eaten. I prefer human junk food, like french fries, hamburgers, hot-dogs!"
It's amazing that everytime someone in my home buy these kind of junk food, all my cats are so anxious and eager to eat them. They wait so patiently, starring at their beloved humans, begging to be feed by this junk food. And, of course, they always 'ask' their portion when we're eating. Never wanted to miss the excitement of enjoying junk foods.
Another hilarious thing is one of my cats, knows perfectly where to sleep comfortably. In my bed, of course. But, that's not enough. Certainly, he does understand where to lay down his head, on my pillow. How about my other cats? Most of them truly aware about decency, so they sleep in the corner of my bed near my feet. Or, lay down part of their fluffy bodies near my ribs, stomach and legs. And, the best part is, when there's anyone interrupt or disturb his content sleep, he'll awake soon - starring at the perpetrator - then, with very heavy sigh like humans do, he got back to sleep with an expression of annoyed. Just like humans!
I don't know whether this only happen to my feline companions, or it might happen as well to you. I used to have cats who loved to wait-chase-catch rodents as their prey, and uhm, sometimes their favorite meals. How about my prevailing cats now behave? Very unsual. The rodents run back and forth exactly in front of their noses. They just ignore them completely, as if the rats were no longer consider as threats and exciting prey. If I may translate and interpret my cats mind, "Yucckk...the rats are disgusting creatures to play with and taste so bad to be eaten. I prefer human junk food, like french fries, hamburgers, hot-dogs!"
It's amazing that everytime someone in my home buy these kind of junk food, all my cats are so anxious and eager to eat them. They wait so patiently, starring at their beloved humans, begging to be feed by this junk food. And, of course, they always 'ask' their portion when we're eating. Never wanted to miss the excitement of enjoying junk foods.
Another hilarious thing is one of my cats, knows perfectly where to sleep comfortably. In my bed, of course. But, that's not enough. Certainly, he does understand where to lay down his head, on my pillow. How about my other cats? Most of them truly aware about decency, so they sleep in the corner of my bed near my feet. Or, lay down part of their fluffy bodies near my ribs, stomach and legs. And, the best part is, when there's anyone interrupt or disturb his content sleep, he'll awake soon - starring at the perpetrator - then, with very heavy sigh like humans do, he got back to sleep with an expression of annoyed. Just like humans!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The face as we all know is the front par of the head, from the forehead to the chin. Normally, what a person who is just meeting you for the first time looks at is your face which shows how important it is to keep your face clean. Not keeping your face clean can cause so many damages like pimples, black heads, eczema, spots and psoriasis (a skin disease that causes red rough patches).
Without overstating the obvious, here are some tips on how to keep your face clean.
1 Remember to clean and moisturize before going to bed, no matter how tired you are. Although there are no hard and fast rules about this routine. At least, try to keep your face clean by washing with a mils soap or cleansing lotion, gel or astringent. Replace lost moisture with light moisturizing lotion or cream.
2 Exfoliating is another way to achieve a clean and radiant face. However, exfoliate according to your skin strenght. Give yourself a facial scrub at least three times a week. Follow up with lotion to leave your face fresh and glowing.
3. Oily skin is supple but shinny and prone to spots and pimples. This is the major skin problem peculiar to Africa. Oily skin may not or may lead to pimples. It is crucial to distinguish between oil on the surface of the skin(which makes it look shining)and oil trapped within the sebaceous duct (which leads to inflammation and pimples). Oil within the sebaceous duct can be removed using an astringent which clears the pores, while oil on the surface can simply be wiped off with soft paper tissue or washed away with mild soap.
4. Adolescence is the time to establish a beauty routine. The action you take now will pay dividends in ten to twenty years time. Avoid crash dieting to prevent your skin from sagging. Try to keep your natural skin tone by avoiding bleaching o toning cream, lotion and soap.
5. When in your thirties, the oil on your face that glistened before may look dull and dry. Beware of this change and adjust your beauty routine.
6. In your forties, your age will be showing some effects on your face. How much depends on genes and the care you showed in previous years.
As the skin ages (due to collapes and collagen and elastic fibers which gave the skin it elasticity and tone), it becomes thinner. This process happens faster in women than in men. There is sagging, wrinkling, loss of skin tone and uneven pigmentation. Once wrinkles appear, you can not get rid of them but you can make them less noticeable. There are many anti ageing creams and lotions in the market, promising the prevention of ageing, its delay or reversal. If you have money to invest in such, goahead. Otherwise, a sensible life, treating your face with respect, plenty of sleep and with no heavy make-up will help retain your youthfulness.
7. In your fifties and beyond, menopause takes it toll on the condition of the skin as estrogen, 'the good skin' hormone gradually decreases. However, this is no reason why your skin should not be soft and supple. Exfoliate more than ever to ensure that your skin remains smooth and glowing. Put some wonderful creams on your face as it smooths away the lines which not only come from age but from tiredness and hardwork. In addition, watch your diet, avoid stress, drink plenty of water and sleep well.
It is not too late to start pampering your face if you have neglected it in the past. However, it is worth the effort because there is much to gain from it.
Without overstating the obvious, here are some tips on how to keep your face clean.
1 Remember to clean and moisturize before going to bed, no matter how tired you are. Although there are no hard and fast rules about this routine. At least, try to keep your face clean by washing with a mils soap or cleansing lotion, gel or astringent. Replace lost moisture with light moisturizing lotion or cream.
2 Exfoliating is another way to achieve a clean and radiant face. However, exfoliate according to your skin strenght. Give yourself a facial scrub at least three times a week. Follow up with lotion to leave your face fresh and glowing.
3. Oily skin is supple but shinny and prone to spots and pimples. This is the major skin problem peculiar to Africa. Oily skin may not or may lead to pimples. It is crucial to distinguish between oil on the surface of the skin(which makes it look shining)and oil trapped within the sebaceous duct (which leads to inflammation and pimples). Oil within the sebaceous duct can be removed using an astringent which clears the pores, while oil on the surface can simply be wiped off with soft paper tissue or washed away with mild soap.
4. Adolescence is the time to establish a beauty routine. The action you take now will pay dividends in ten to twenty years time. Avoid crash dieting to prevent your skin from sagging. Try to keep your natural skin tone by avoiding bleaching o toning cream, lotion and soap.
5. When in your thirties, the oil on your face that glistened before may look dull and dry. Beware of this change and adjust your beauty routine.
6. In your forties, your age will be showing some effects on your face. How much depends on genes and the care you showed in previous years.
As the skin ages (due to collapes and collagen and elastic fibers which gave the skin it elasticity and tone), it becomes thinner. This process happens faster in women than in men. There is sagging, wrinkling, loss of skin tone and uneven pigmentation. Once wrinkles appear, you can not get rid of them but you can make them less noticeable. There are many anti ageing creams and lotions in the market, promising the prevention of ageing, its delay or reversal. If you have money to invest in such, goahead. Otherwise, a sensible life, treating your face with respect, plenty of sleep and with no heavy make-up will help retain your youthfulness.
7. In your fifties and beyond, menopause takes it toll on the condition of the skin as estrogen, 'the good skin' hormone gradually decreases. However, this is no reason why your skin should not be soft and supple. Exfoliate more than ever to ensure that your skin remains smooth and glowing. Put some wonderful creams on your face as it smooths away the lines which not only come from age but from tiredness and hardwork. In addition, watch your diet, avoid stress, drink plenty of water and sleep well.
It is not too late to start pampering your face if you have neglected it in the past. However, it is worth the effort because there is much to gain from it.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Although many candidates dread them, job interview questions are wonderful things! They are your greatest opportunity to prove to the interviewer that you are the best person for the job!
(1) Anticipate likely questions;
(2) Develop excellent answers;
(3) Practice!
Be enthusiastic and confident when responding to questions. Don’t rush your answers, but don’t ramble on and on, either. Try to, um, avoid, like, using unnecessary words, right? And um, repeating your self or, like, annoying phrases, you know?
A good technique is to write out your answers to the questions you anticipate, and then edit them to make them more concise. Then practice your polished answers out loud, over and over. If you can have some one to help you do a ‘’mock interview,’’ that would be the best way to do this.
Most questions will relate either to your ability to do the job or the type of employee you will be. Here’s one that is very commonly used to help the interviewer learn about both:
When responding to this request, you should focus on both your personal and professional values. Always be honest, but talk about your best traits only, especially those that relate to the position for which you are applying.
Highlight experiences and accomplishments you are most proud of. Here’s an example:
‘’I’m an experienced communications specialist with extensive knowledge of public information tools and techniques. I’ve developed comprehensive communication plans for major public events, written dozens of articles accepted by worldwide publications, and created specialized educational programs for adults and students. I am always eager to learn new methods and procedures, and have implemented continuous improvement techniques in my past positions that saved money and increased productivity. I like working with people and enjoy group projects, but am also a self-starter who doesn’t mind working on my own. I’m a volunteer with the local chapter of Special Olympics and enjoy participating in community events. My goals are to complete my master’s degree and broaden my experiences with community relations.’’
Remember to tailor your response to the specific job. By studying the job announcements, you’ll get a good idea of the skills and experience being sought. Work those in your response.
Consider this your own personal commercial. If the interview consisted of only this ONE chance to sell your self, what would you say?
Choose one example from your past that was important to you and helped the company you worked for. Give specific details about what you did, how you did it, and what the results were. Try to pick an accomplishment that relates to the position for which you are applying. Employers like to hear about accomplishments that reduced expenses, raised revenues, solved problems or enhanced a company’s reputation.
This is a great chance to highlight your best skills. Don’t pick just one. Focus on your top three or four. Some examples are: leadership skills, team-building skills and organizational skills. Determine which
Strengths would fit best with the position for which you are applying. For example, if the job announcement stresses the ability to handle multiple tasks, you could say: ‘’I’m good at organizational skills, prioritization and time management. But my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines.’’
Be careful with this one. Most interview guides will tell you to answer it with a positive trait disguised as a weakness. For example, ‘’I tend to expect others to work as hard as I do,’’ or ‘’I’m a bit of a perfectionist.’’ Interviewers have heard these ‘’canned’’ answers over and over again. To stand out, be more original and state a true weakness, but then emphasize what you’ve done to overcome it. For example: ‘’I’ve had trouble delegating duties to others because I felt I could do things better my self. This has sometimes backfired because I’d end up with more than I could handle and the quality of my work would suffer. But I’ve taken courses in time management and learned effective delegation techniques, and I feel I’ve overcome this weakness!
IMPORTANT: Be sure the weakness you talked about is NOT a key element of the position!
Give some examples of stressful situations you’ve dealt with in the past.
Tell how you use time management, problem-solving or decision-making skills to reduce stress For example, tell them that making a ‘’to-do’’ list helps. Site stress-reducing techniques such as stretching and taking a break. Don’t be afraid to admit that you will ask for assistance if you are feeling overwhelmed.
If it’ true, say you actually work better under pressure.
Thank you for having the time to read my post.
Although many candidates dread them, job interview questions are wonderful things! They are your greatest opportunity to prove to the interviewer that you are the best person for the job!
(1) Anticipate likely questions;
(2) Develop excellent answers;
(3) Practice!
Be enthusiastic and confident when responding to questions. Don’t rush your answers, but don’t ramble on and on, either. Try to, um, avoid, like, using unnecessary words, right? And um, repeating your self or, like, annoying phrases, you know?
A good technique is to write out your answers to the questions you anticipate, and then edit them to make them more concise. Then practice your polished answers out loud, over and over. If you can have some one to help you do a ‘’mock interview,’’ that would be the best way to do this.
Most questions will relate either to your ability to do the job or the type of employee you will be. Here’s one that is very commonly used to help the interviewer learn about both:
When responding to this request, you should focus on both your personal and professional values. Always be honest, but talk about your best traits only, especially those that relate to the position for which you are applying.
Highlight experiences and accomplishments you are most proud of. Here’s an example:
‘’I’m an experienced communications specialist with extensive knowledge of public information tools and techniques. I’ve developed comprehensive communication plans for major public events, written dozens of articles accepted by worldwide publications, and created specialized educational programs for adults and students. I am always eager to learn new methods and procedures, and have implemented continuous improvement techniques in my past positions that saved money and increased productivity. I like working with people and enjoy group projects, but am also a self-starter who doesn’t mind working on my own. I’m a volunteer with the local chapter of Special Olympics and enjoy participating in community events. My goals are to complete my master’s degree and broaden my experiences with community relations.’’
Remember to tailor your response to the specific job. By studying the job announcements, you’ll get a good idea of the skills and experience being sought. Work those in your response.
Consider this your own personal commercial. If the interview consisted of only this ONE chance to sell your self, what would you say?
Choose one example from your past that was important to you and helped the company you worked for. Give specific details about what you did, how you did it, and what the results were. Try to pick an accomplishment that relates to the position for which you are applying. Employers like to hear about accomplishments that reduced expenses, raised revenues, solved problems or enhanced a company’s reputation.
This is a great chance to highlight your best skills. Don’t pick just one. Focus on your top three or four. Some examples are: leadership skills, team-building skills and organizational skills. Determine which
Strengths would fit best with the position for which you are applying. For example, if the job announcement stresses the ability to handle multiple tasks, you could say: ‘’I’m good at organizational skills, prioritization and time management. But my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines.’’
Be careful with this one. Most interview guides will tell you to answer it with a positive trait disguised as a weakness. For example, ‘’I tend to expect others to work as hard as I do,’’ or ‘’I’m a bit of a perfectionist.’’ Interviewers have heard these ‘’canned’’ answers over and over again. To stand out, be more original and state a true weakness, but then emphasize what you’ve done to overcome it. For example: ‘’I’ve had trouble delegating duties to others because I felt I could do things better my self. This has sometimes backfired because I’d end up with more than I could handle and the quality of my work would suffer. But I’ve taken courses in time management and learned effective delegation techniques, and I feel I’ve overcome this weakness!
IMPORTANT: Be sure the weakness you talked about is NOT a key element of the position!
Give some examples of stressful situations you’ve dealt with in the past.
Tell how you use time management, problem-solving or decision-making skills to reduce stress For example, tell them that making a ‘’to-do’’ list helps. Site stress-reducing techniques such as stretching and taking a break. Don’t be afraid to admit that you will ask for assistance if you are feeling overwhelmed.
If it’ true, say you actually work better under pressure.
Thank you for having the time to read my post.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Human Behavior Issues in a Future Virtual Reality World
Let's say that in the future Virtual Reality becomes so real that it is a secondary option for folks for entertainment or even a vacation. In such a Virtual Reality system, you could be anything that you wish to be, do anything you want to do, and have no "real" social society norms to deal with. In this case would that mean you would break tradition with your ethical values?
Some modern day psychologists have been asking this question. And since the future of VR would include social networks of people sharing the system with each other, would this mean that crime, rioting and bad or unethical behavior might run ramped; and if it did then what?
The reality that a VR environment is not real and therefore there are no "real consequences" to evil behavior, this might spur on some to think that it is okay to act out. And it would be a reflection of the actual thoughts of humans playing out in the VR environment.
Would this have complications on the real world and over all society in our current life experiences as flesh and blood? What do I mean, am I suggesting that like the current human internet that, such a collective communication system that we find in online social networks have implications that are quite different and therefore serious to all those that participate.
Thus, it does affect the overall attitude of humans in general and their behavior and feelings towards others in either of the two worlds; online or actual community. The implications of future robust artificial intelligence running super computer Virtual Reality environments changing the way humans live forever, may be a realism that many may not wish to talk about. Think on this.
Some modern day psychologists have been asking this question. And since the future of VR would include social networks of people sharing the system with each other, would this mean that crime, rioting and bad or unethical behavior might run ramped; and if it did then what?
The reality that a VR environment is not real and therefore there are no "real consequences" to evil behavior, this might spur on some to think that it is okay to act out. And it would be a reflection of the actual thoughts of humans playing out in the VR environment.
Would this have complications on the real world and over all society in our current life experiences as flesh and blood? What do I mean, am I suggesting that like the current human internet that, such a collective communication system that we find in online social networks have implications that are quite different and therefore serious to all those that participate.
Thus, it does affect the overall attitude of humans in general and their behavior and feelings towards others in either of the two worlds; online or actual community. The implications of future robust artificial intelligence running super computer Virtual Reality environments changing the way humans live forever, may be a realism that many may not wish to talk about. Think on this.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sociology Schools Focus on Social Hierarchies
Sociology Schools, universities, and colleges provide systematic study of societies and human social action and interaction. Sociology may focus on social rules and social processes that connect and separate people as individuals and as members of groups. The study of sociology includes examining organizational and developmental aspects of human social existence.
The field of sociology includes analysis of momentary contact between strangers and acquaintances on the street as well as the study of global social processes. Sociology Schools offering Bachelor degrees will entail the liberal arts studies, as well as concentrations in the study of social theory, research methods, social organizations, social structures, family structures, social hierarchies, psychology, statistics, and much more.
Sociology Schools cover a broad discipline that may be difficult to fully understand. Sociology studies all components of social structure: social hierarchies, caste systems, and class structure inequities; demographic sociology, i.e., population, gender, age, and race dynamics; deviant behavior, crime, and criminal behavior; political sociology as relates to governments, governmental functions, and laws; and much, much more.
New fields of sociology continue to develop. Economic sociology is one of these, which studies sociological analysis of economic phenomena. Sociology research results have affected policies in education, laws, and administration decisions with development of public policy.
Sociology Schools prepare students in careers such as, teaching or conducting research. The Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science provides the undergraduate preparation for graduate work in sociology. Many other careers require a solid foundation of knowledge about social structure and human behavior. Sociology programs are flexible, allowing students to combine the sociology majors with other concentrations. The broad base of liberal arts provides prepares students for divergent career paths with advantages for a professionals in business, law, and medicine.
If you are interested in learning more about Sociology Schools, colleges, and universities, please take some time to search our site for more information and resources.
DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on
Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Sociology Schools at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.
Article Source:
The field of sociology includes analysis of momentary contact between strangers and acquaintances on the street as well as the study of global social processes. Sociology Schools offering Bachelor degrees will entail the liberal arts studies, as well as concentrations in the study of social theory, research methods, social organizations, social structures, family structures, social hierarchies, psychology, statistics, and much more.
Sociology Schools cover a broad discipline that may be difficult to fully understand. Sociology studies all components of social structure: social hierarchies, caste systems, and class structure inequities; demographic sociology, i.e., population, gender, age, and race dynamics; deviant behavior, crime, and criminal behavior; political sociology as relates to governments, governmental functions, and laws; and much, much more.
New fields of sociology continue to develop. Economic sociology is one of these, which studies sociological analysis of economic phenomena. Sociology research results have affected policies in education, laws, and administration decisions with development of public policy.
Sociology Schools prepare students in careers such as, teaching or conducting research. The Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science provides the undergraduate preparation for graduate work in sociology. Many other careers require a solid foundation of knowledge about social structure and human behavior. Sociology programs are flexible, allowing students to combine the sociology majors with other concentrations. The broad base of liberal arts provides prepares students for divergent career paths with advantages for a professionals in business, law, and medicine.
If you are interested in learning more about Sociology Schools, colleges, and universities, please take some time to search our site for more information and resources.
DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on
Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Sociology Schools at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.
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Friday, May 1, 2009
Eight Great Human Behavior Science Projects
Human Behavior Science Projects explore the fascinating ways that human beings behave. Behavioral projects are a popular choice for kids headed to the science fair. While gathering enough test subjects can be tricky, these projects can be a great way for students to learn about testing, meet interesting people, and have fun. There are so many things to discover, that the hardest part may be simply choosing a topic. Here's a list of ideas to get you started.
1. Determine the soothing effect of music by taking the pulse before and after a five minute session of classical piano.
2. See if more people are visual learners or auditory learners by having humans memorize a telephone number that they only see, then a different one that they only hear.
3. Discover if wearing glasses helps or hurts a salesperson's profit. Have a salesperson wear glasses for a series of days, then go to work without the glasses. Compare their total sales for the two periods.
4. Find out if yawning is contagious behavior by watching a group of children before and after the group leader yawns. Note that because it is such a primitive reflex, yawning is a very popular human behavior science project subject.
5. Are younger children more inclined to like their teachers than older students? Rate the popularity of teachers that teach different ages of kids.
6. Measure the time it takes for children to learn a poem set to music or not set to music.
7. Find out if the scent of lemon helps attention by calculating test scores of people who have or have not sniffed a lemon. This is a great science project that might help ADHD students!
8. Find out if two ears or one are better at localizing a sound by hiding an object, and timing how long individuals take to find it. (Get a complete project guide for this project at Online Science Projects.)
Of course, you don't need a study of human behavior to know that students like to come up with new and unique ideas. So put on your thinking cap and come up with your own human behavior science project!
Kayla Fay and her four boys are the creators of Online Science Project Guides, science projects that are fun, easy, affordable, and teacher pleasing! Find out about these guides, and get a free copy of "The Non-Scientist Parent's Guide to Science Fair Projects" at http
1. Determine the soothing effect of music by taking the pulse before and after a five minute session of classical piano.
2. See if more people are visual learners or auditory learners by having humans memorize a telephone number that they only see, then a different one that they only hear.
3. Discover if wearing glasses helps or hurts a salesperson's profit. Have a salesperson wear glasses for a series of days, then go to work without the glasses. Compare their total sales for the two periods.
4. Find out if yawning is contagious behavior by watching a group of children before and after the group leader yawns. Note that because it is such a primitive reflex, yawning is a very popular human behavior science project subject.
5. Are younger children more inclined to like their teachers than older students? Rate the popularity of teachers that teach different ages of kids.
6. Measure the time it takes for children to learn a poem set to music or not set to music.
7. Find out if the scent of lemon helps attention by calculating test scores of people who have or have not sniffed a lemon. This is a great science project that might help ADHD students!
8. Find out if two ears or one are better at localizing a sound by hiding an object, and timing how long individuals take to find it. (Get a complete project guide for this project at Online Science Projects.)
Of course, you don't need a study of human behavior to know that students like to come up with new and unique ideas. So put on your thinking cap and come up with your own human behavior science project!
Kayla Fay and her four boys are the creators of Online Science Project Guides, science projects that are fun, easy, affordable, and teacher pleasing! Find out about these guides, and get a free copy of "The Non-Scientist Parent's Guide to Science Fair Projects" at http
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