There are/were many great human beings in Planet Earth.
They were not born as the great beings, but because of their ability and skill, they became the much appreciated human beings of the world.
Every country has such human beings who are not forgotten over generations.
Some of them are not there today, whereas some are living among us.
We try to learn about their lives, achievements and greatness.
They may be scientists, philosophers, social reformers, politicians, life saving doctors, businessmen and the like.
How they became great, is the secret everyone likes to learn so that it may help to adopt the tricks for becoming great.
Greatness comes, sometimes, because of the circumstances.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – Mahatma Gandhiji – became great because of the circumstance that prevailed during his lifetime.
The British ruled India with an iron hand; the people of India was suppressed by divide and rule policy.
Gandhiji followed a simple weapon called non-violence to drive away the British and brought freedom to India.
The philosophy of non-violence brought him greatness, even after great humiliation and hardship over time.
The people of India remember him and his simple life even after 138 years.
The philosophy of non-violence adopted by Gandhiji, is being appreciated all over the world and the United Nation honoured him by declaring the birthday of Gandhiji – 2 October of every year as the International Day of Non-violence from 2007.
So we celebrated the first International Day of Non-violence on 2 October 2007.
Being one of the great human beings born in India got this honour even after his death.
We generally quote his universal thoughts wherever possible to illustrate out points of nationalism.
Once Gandhiji said: “ I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country, in whose making they have an effective voice; an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony.
There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability, or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men. We shall be at peace with all the rest of the world. This is the India of my dream.”
That was his dream he wanted to see in reality or that was the dream he wanted the future generation to fulfill.
The Republic of India trying all its best to fulfill the dreams of Gandhiji, but they are not coming close to his dreams.
There are many reasons for this.
Our political and social systems are still controlled by caste, creed, colour, faith, language, social order of the society and many other diverse differences.
No governmental action will abolish these differences; they are deep seated in the minds of people.
“Unity in diversity” is the mantra that manages India.
No other country in the world has so many languages, religions, castes and faiths.
With all these diversity, the population pressure is mounting and brings down the progress made every time.
Gandhiji’s ideals are in everyone’s mind but not in action.
At least, we should be able to emulate a few of his high ideals in our life.
Such an action only can bring the dreams of Gandhiji a reality.
Simplicity in life is one of the ideologies of Gandhiji.
The modern world spoils the minds and bodies of today’s generation.
Because of freedom, everyone has freedom of speech, behaviour and way of life.
People who have buying power try to purchase as many material things and waste them without realizing their mistakes.
No one can correct them; not even Gandhiji’s thoughts.
Women in our country have come up almost equal to men in all fields.
They have good education, earning power and independence.
The family rearing is still the responsibility of women.
Therefore, if women think, they can easily transform the society by rearing children with discipline and character.
I feel that it is in the hands of women to revolutionize our society towards Gandhian path.
That is the reason Gandhiji dreamt ‘women will enjoy the same right as men in India.’
I hope that we realize the importance of Gandhiji’s words and try to direct our life towards a path of simplicity, peace and non-violence.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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