Many have writing to profer reasons why the current tumble in the Nigerian stock market. All the analysis may be correct, and it is not subject of this article to dwell on how correct or otherwise those articles are. It is without doubt that the operators are less than honest-every body agrees the stocks are being manipulated. Even the above assertion like the mathematical or financial analysis before it overlooks one of the fundamental reasons- the law of impermanence of all things. It is rather strange that Nigerians spend great deal of their time in churches and mosques yet they fail to comprehend or are not prepared to obey the law of life. As a result we are too physical, ''it is do or die'' to borrow OBJ's threat. It is for the same reason that once there is a small traffic build up on our roads, many will resort to driving one way without a single thought on the families they left at home. It also for the same reason that a man will steal millions of naira from government coffers, why because he does not understand the law impermanence of all things and foolishly assumes he could perpetuate wealth, he and his generations after him would live happily ever after. Everything in life is subject to this law, success or failure, riches or poverty. that was what Solomon taught in the book of Ecclesiastes ''there is a time for everything under the sun, time to be born and time to die.....'' He went further to declare that ''all is vanity, running after the wind.'' That is also what the Great ZIK taught us , '' No condition is will ever be permanent''.
If we understand that, how can somebody who is sane expect the prices of stock to continually be on upward trajectory? Is it not common knowledge that if an object of whatever kind continues to grow without limit it will become a monster and destructive. What is cancer? Cancer is the division or multiplication of cells. Is there anything wrong with cells growing, NO, but it becomes destructive when the growth is out control. Do they ever realize what would have happened to the real sector of our economy if the prices of stock continue to increase with out end? As people sold their houses to invest in stocks, more would have sold their businesses to join the stock market party to detriment of our long time economy interest. During the boom, every stock broker became an expert, ZENITH shares will rise, so it rose, GTB shares will rise,so it did, amala plc shares will rise, and so it rose. Like every thing in Nigeria, buying and selling of shares become buzz word. An igbo proverb had warned that ''anything that is so sweet, in it is contained the seed of destruction''. Go to the offices of many stock brockers today, they have become palaces of gloom. Why, because they have forgotten what Solomon taught several centuries ago, that both birth and death are two side of the same coin, separated only by time. Failure is woven in every success just as seed of every failure is also seed of success.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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