Each one of us has his or her own personality and several characteristics that we believe are unique to us, but human behavior is not controlled by our will. Behavioural programs that work automatically according to the stimuli that we receive from the environment are the primary controllers of human behavior. The human being is an animal and his rationale is not active most of the time. On the contrary, the majority of our decisions and actions are made based on these automatic behavioural programs rather than based on our own thoughts.
We have to also consider the existence of several characteristics in our psychic sphere that are peculiar to our psychological type. There are four psychological types which depend on the most developed of the four psychological function in each person's psychic sphere--the four psychological functions are thoughts, feelings, sensations, and intuitions. However, since each person's attitude is either introverted or extroverted, the psychological types become 8--4 each of introverted and extroverted types.
The introverted types tend to judge everything according to their personal opinion while the extroverted types tend to accept the general opinion about reality. Their previous disposition affects their judgement, which is always one sided, since each type completely despises what the opposite type considers important. This way, neither one nor the other can perceive all the existing points of the objective reality or of the inner reality when they judge them.
The automatic behavioural programs decide on our behalf what we will do all the time, even though we think we are doing everything we do because we ourselves have decided to do so. We can't really perceive that our reactions are automatic and we think that we can control our behaviour completely.
However, some stimuli can make us "lose our head" and without understanding how, we may get involved in very strange situations.
So, the strong stimuli and the automatic animal reaction combined with the one-sided vision of each psychological type and with the peculiar characteristics that determine their behaviour depending on which psychological function dominates them the most, are responsible for each person's behaviour.
This way, what happens is that each person makes several mistakes, without understanding what they are really doing. They may even do several things that are completely in opposition to their character because they are dominated by the wild side of their conscience, where psychological functions that were not developed through consciousness remain.
The result is a suffocating feeling, an unbearable and unexplainable depression that intrigues very much the person that feels this way, because they can't understand what is wrong.
Their psychic condition becomes worse with time and some day they feel so completely lost in a labyrinth of problems that cannot be ever solved that they think about committing suicide, as if this was the unique solution left for them.
Otherwise, they start taking treatment to cure their depression and their frustration increases because they realize that they are feeling worse instead of better, because their real problems remain unsolved...
This is when the free and safe psychotherapy through dream interpretation can save their life! Only the unconscious that resides inside the human psychic sphere is very well aware of the exact mistakes each person made and how they can be corrected.
The unconscious is a free doctor that sends us very helpful messages through our dreams everyday in order to help us overcome all the problems provoked by our wild nature. Dream decoding is the safest solution for desperate people, who cannot understand why they feel so sad and cannot bear their existence. It is a miraculous solution that can save anyone, no matter how awful they may feel and however impossible the solution for their problems may appear.
However, the unconscious is a very demanding doctor and its psychotherapy depends on the patient's cooperation. This is not a magical way through which a human being can get rid of all his or her problems without doing anything, but a miracle he himself has to create, by exactly following the wise orientation received in dreams, even when the person doesn't agree with the suffering through which one will have to pass in order to be cured. One has to change one's behaviour and learn how to be calm and always wise. This is like a very delicate and dangerous surgical operation. Its success is guaranteed only if the patient exactly follows the doctor's orientation.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
secret human-behaviour-strategy-deals-with-relationship-problems
When relationship problems strike, there are key steps you can take to get your relationship back on track.
It's very likely that your partner will not want to participate, so if your partner is not interested in getting involved and has given up, just by changing your behaviour you can start to change theirs without them knowing.
It is very likely that if you and your partner are in conflict for whatever reason that you have been holding back on all the things you know they will like. This is your way of punishing them for hurting you.
The problem with punishing your partner is that this behaviour will get you less of what you really want, your partner will attach bad feelings to you and this can really damage your relationship because all these little problems can build up in a persons mind.
Understand what you really want before you decide to take action.
What you probably really want is to feel love, security and significance. Punishing your partner will just drive them even further away resulting in you feeling worse with the possibility of the conflict escalating.
So what you do is the reverse, but in this special way.
Decide what behaviour you want from them and every time they behave the way you want, you'll reward them with love or a kiss, something you know they will really like, of course you don't tell them your plan.
You do this every time they do what you want.
What you will discover is this act of love is a thousand times more powerful than any partner repelling punishment. If you have found something they really like receiving from you'll notice that they'll look for more ways to attach doing what you want to their great feelings.
Remember if you feel reluctant to try this, ask yourself how do you feel when your partner has a problem with your behaviour. Do you respond well when they become cross with you, do you want to help them and give them what they want? Of course not…
It's very likely that your partner will not want to participate, so if your partner is not interested in getting involved and has given up, just by changing your behaviour you can start to change theirs without them knowing.
It is very likely that if you and your partner are in conflict for whatever reason that you have been holding back on all the things you know they will like. This is your way of punishing them for hurting you.
The problem with punishing your partner is that this behaviour will get you less of what you really want, your partner will attach bad feelings to you and this can really damage your relationship because all these little problems can build up in a persons mind.
Understand what you really want before you decide to take action.
What you probably really want is to feel love, security and significance. Punishing your partner will just drive them even further away resulting in you feeling worse with the possibility of the conflict escalating.
So what you do is the reverse, but in this special way.
Decide what behaviour you want from them and every time they behave the way you want, you'll reward them with love or a kiss, something you know they will really like, of course you don't tell them your plan.
You do this every time they do what you want.
What you will discover is this act of love is a thousand times more powerful than any partner repelling punishment. If you have found something they really like receiving from you'll notice that they'll look for more ways to attach doing what you want to their great feelings.
Remember if you feel reluctant to try this, ask yourself how do you feel when your partner has a problem with your behaviour. Do you respond well when they become cross with you, do you want to help them and give them what they want? Of course not…
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