Yes! Human behavior is past down from generation to generation. Human behavior is learned behavior. What do you think about that? Just remember that an explanation is not a justification. Crime is a reality in our country whether we like it or not. Poor family values, poverty, poor education, these are the contributing factors that lead many men and women to crime. There are some well read and educated persons who believe that the human brain is wired for violence.
What if I told you that violence was learned? Violence is past down from generation to generation, like wealth and heirlooms. Do you find that hard to believe? What if I told that when human beings lived in caves and ate raw meat, a man and a woman had to be as aggressive and violent as the animals around them in order to survive. "Wow", human beings had to be as aggressive and cunning and primal as the other animals!
Now look at human history, (world history). Now ask yourself, can you see in our world history and the different systems of government. We can see democracy, monarchy, dynasty, tyranny, and empire; all of these forms of government were created by violence, blood shed, or revolution. It is hard to believe that every democracy started with revolution! We value this system of government so much that we will force other countries and people to adopt it.
We are appalled by violence and criminal behavior. We see movies with men in masks cutting up, and torturing and then ultimately killing a naked girl. We read comic books and see violent images on television. Now if you compound these things with children who have never been nurtured or taught how to inter-act with other human beings in a healthy manner. We get what we have now, large prison populations and high crime.
Is human behavior learned? Yes! A child's mind is open and is like a fresh piece of clay. A child's mind is programmed by what he or she hears and sees. We can stop crime completely, with our youngest generations. We can teach positive and edifying social skills. Children are unfortunately taught fear, pride and prejudice and hatred. Children can also be taught to love, and respect themselves and others.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Human Behaviour and Depression
Each one of us has his or her own personality and several characteristics that we believe are unique to us, but human behavior is not controlled by our will. Behavioural programs that work automatically according to the stimuli that we receive from the environment are the primary controllers of human behavior. The human being is an animal and his rationale is not active most of the time. On the contrary, the majority of our decisions and actions are made based on these automatic behavioural programs rather than based on our own thoughts.
We have to also consider the existence of several characteristics in our psychic sphere that are peculiar to our psychological type. There are four psychological types which depend on the most developed of the four psychological function in each person’s psychic sphere—the four psychological functions are thoughts, feelings, sensations, and intuitions. However, since each person’s attitude is either introverted or extroverted, the psychological types become 8—4 each of introverted and extroverted types.
The introverted types tend to judge everything according to their personal opinion while the extroverted types tend to accept the general opinion about reality. Their previous disposition affects their judgement, which is always one sided, since each type completely despises what the opposite type considers important. This way, neither one nor the other can perceive all the existing points of the objective reality or of the inner reality when they judge them.
The automatic behavioural programs decide on our behalf what we will do all the time, even though we think we are doing everything we do because we ourselves have decided to do so. We can’t really perceive that our reactions are automatic and we think that we can control our behaviour completely.
However, some stimuli can make us “lose our head” and without understanding how, we may get involved in very strange situations.
So, the strong stimuli and the automatic animal reaction combined with the one-sided vision of each psychological type and with the peculiar characteristics that determine their behaviour depending on which psychological function dominates them the most, are responsible for each person’s behaviour.
This way, what happens is that each person makes several mistakes, without understanding what they are really doing. They may even do several things that are completely in opposition to their character because they are dominated by the wild side of their conscience, where psychological functions that were not developed through consciousness remain.
The result is a suffocating feeling, an unbearable and unexplainable depression that intrigues very much the person that feels this way, because they can’t understand what is wrong.
Their psychic condition becomes worse with time and some day they feel so completely lost in a labyrinth of problems that cannot be ever solved that they think about committing suicide, as if this was the unique solution left for them.
Otherwise, they start taking treatment to cure their depression and their frustration increases because they realize that they are feeling worse instead of better, because their real problems remain unsolved…
This is when the free and safe psychotherapy through dream interpretation can save their life! Only the unconscious that resides inside the human psychic sphere is very well aware of the exact mistakes each person made and how they can be corrected.
The unconscious is a free doctor that sends us very helpful messages through our dreams everyday in order to help us overcome all the problems provoked by our wild nature. Dream decoding is the safest solution for desperate people, who cannot understand why they feel so sad and cannot bear their existence. It is a miraculous solution that can save anyone, no matter how awful they may feel and however impossible the solution for their problems may appear.
However, the unconscious is a very demanding doctor and its psychotherapy depends on the patient’s cooperation. This is not a magical way through which a human being can get rid of all his or her problems without doing anything, but a miracle he himself has to create, by exactly following the wise orientation received in dreams, even when the person doesn’t agree with the suffering through which one will have to pass in order to be cured. One has to change one’s behaviour and learn how to be calm and always wise. This is like a very delicate and dangerous surgical operation. Its success is guaranteed only if the patient exactly follows the doctor’s orientation.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
We have to also consider the existence of several characteristics in our psychic sphere that are peculiar to our psychological type. There are four psychological types which depend on the most developed of the four psychological function in each person’s psychic sphere—the four psychological functions are thoughts, feelings, sensations, and intuitions. However, since each person’s attitude is either introverted or extroverted, the psychological types become 8—4 each of introverted and extroverted types.
The introverted types tend to judge everything according to their personal opinion while the extroverted types tend to accept the general opinion about reality. Their previous disposition affects their judgement, which is always one sided, since each type completely despises what the opposite type considers important. This way, neither one nor the other can perceive all the existing points of the objective reality or of the inner reality when they judge them.
The automatic behavioural programs decide on our behalf what we will do all the time, even though we think we are doing everything we do because we ourselves have decided to do so. We can’t really perceive that our reactions are automatic and we think that we can control our behaviour completely.
However, some stimuli can make us “lose our head” and without understanding how, we may get involved in very strange situations.
So, the strong stimuli and the automatic animal reaction combined with the one-sided vision of each psychological type and with the peculiar characteristics that determine their behaviour depending on which psychological function dominates them the most, are responsible for each person’s behaviour.
This way, what happens is that each person makes several mistakes, without understanding what they are really doing. They may even do several things that are completely in opposition to their character because they are dominated by the wild side of their conscience, where psychological functions that were not developed through consciousness remain.
The result is a suffocating feeling, an unbearable and unexplainable depression that intrigues very much the person that feels this way, because they can’t understand what is wrong.
Their psychic condition becomes worse with time and some day they feel so completely lost in a labyrinth of problems that cannot be ever solved that they think about committing suicide, as if this was the unique solution left for them.
Otherwise, they start taking treatment to cure their depression and their frustration increases because they realize that they are feeling worse instead of better, because their real problems remain unsolved…
This is when the free and safe psychotherapy through dream interpretation can save their life! Only the unconscious that resides inside the human psychic sphere is very well aware of the exact mistakes each person made and how they can be corrected.
The unconscious is a free doctor that sends us very helpful messages through our dreams everyday in order to help us overcome all the problems provoked by our wild nature. Dream decoding is the safest solution for desperate people, who cannot understand why they feel so sad and cannot bear their existence. It is a miraculous solution that can save anyone, no matter how awful they may feel and however impossible the solution for their problems may appear.
However, the unconscious is a very demanding doctor and its psychotherapy depends on the patient’s cooperation. This is not a magical way through which a human being can get rid of all his or her problems without doing anything, but a miracle he himself has to create, by exactly following the wise orientation received in dreams, even when the person doesn’t agree with the suffering through which one will have to pass in order to be cured. One has to change one’s behaviour and learn how to be calm and always wise. This is like a very delicate and dangerous surgical operation. Its success is guaranteed only if the patient exactly follows the doctor’s orientation.
Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Human Behavior in Organizations
The worker's activities are activities of humans and are therefore an essential part of humanity.
These activities have at least five dimensions, on the main aspects that must be considered in the analysis of work, and all the employee needs to be entrepreneur and feel accomplished for production:
a) Technical aspects - involves issues relating to place of work and adjustment physiological and sociological.
b) Physiological aspects - is the degree of adaptation man - place of work - Physical environment and the problem of fatigue - the human being is not a machine and does not work like a machine.
c) Moral aspect - considers the skills, the motivation, the degree of awareness, satisfaction and the intimate relationship between work activity and personality - the work is an extension of personality, is how a person measures his worth and his humanity.
d) Social aspect - considers the specific issues in the working environment and external factors such as family, social class, etc..
e) Economic aspect - as the production of wealth - the work is a way of life.
Businesses is evaluated by the following requirements:
1) Environment of the business - credibility, respect, fairness, pride and camaraderie;
2) Profile of the company - benefits, compensation, ethics and citizenship, professional development and balancing work and personal life
"There is ways that discover and adopts measures of how to maximize the work efficiency.
- Every person is influenced exclusively by rewards wage, economic and material, not considering the needs of staff achievement and promotion.
The humanism considers the improvement of development, welfare and dignity as the ultimate objective of all human thought and action - above ideals and values of religious, ideological or national.
The commitment to humanism defends the adoption of the following three fundamental principles:
a) Philosophical, consisting in the design of humans - men and women - as be autonomous and rational and respect fundamental to all human beings while endowed with free will, rationality, moral awareness, capacity imaginative and creative.
b) Social policy, which consists of a universal ethic of equality, reciprocity and human solidarity and a policy of pluralistic democracy, fair and human.
c) Educational, consisting of the commitment to help all individuals in implementation and improvement of its potential.
So, with the humanistic approach, "the concern with the machine, the working method, with the formal organization and the principles of administration applicable to organizational aspects give priorities to the concern with man and his social group: the technical aspects for the formal psychological and sociological aspects.
The school of human relations was born from the need of reducing the dehumanization of work and at the same time, increasing the efficiency in business.
The informal groups can communicate with ease, and find supportive environment for the majority of their problems. The formal organization is the organizational structure - organs, functions, hierarchical levels and functional relationships - and informal organization is the set of interactions and relationships that are established between the workers - uses and customs, traditions and social norms.
The informal organization is reflected by attitudes and provisions based on the opinion and sentiment. The expression of the need to 'join up' and do not change quickly or make the logic: relate to the sense of values, the lifestyles and the acquisition of social life that a person strives to preserve and defend of which is willing to fight and resist.
The social man, which is based on the following aspects:
a) Employees are complex social creatures, with their feelings, desires and fears. The behavior at work - as the behavior in any place - is a consequence of many motivational factors.
b) People are motivated by human needs and achieve their satisfaction through social groups with whom they interact. Difficult to participate and connect with the group cause elevation of turnover of people, lowering of moral, psychological fatigue, reduced levels of performance,
c) The behavior of social groups can be manipulated by an appropriate style of supervision and leadership (human abilities).
d) The social norms of the group act as regulatory mechanisms of the behavior of members. The levels of production are controlled by the rules of the informal group. This social control takes both positive sanctions (stimulation, social acceptance, etc..) And negative (mockery, isolation from the group, etc.).. The employee is seen as a being creative and thinking, and issues such as integration, social behavior and participation in decisions.
The theory of bureaucracy was born from the work of Max Weber, in the 1940s, he studied the organization as part of a social context, influenced by changing social, economic and religious.
The bureaucratic model is proposed as an efficient administrative structure for complex organizations, governed by the rules and inflexible hierarchy. Bureaucracy is a form of human organization that is based on rationality.
The characteristics of bureaucracy are:
a) Legal nature of the rules and regulations: it is an organization bound by rules and regulations established in writing in advance.
b) Formal communications: they are recorded in writing by forms, so that the bureaucracy is a formally organized to a social structure.
c) Rational: division of labor, where the tasks are set for each participant.
d) Impersonal: relationship in terms of positions, not people.
e) Hierarchy: each post below is under the supervision of the superior officer.
f) Routine: the employee must do what is the boss bureaucracy, he is not independent.
g) Meritocracy: the choice of people is based on merit and technique competence.
h) Administration of expertise: separation between ownership and management.
i) Professional.
j) Predictability: assumes that the behavior of all members is perfectly predictable.
As the concept of informal organization is not rational, it is not accepted by the bureaucracy, so the worker is seen only as occupier of a position that needs to respond by the set of tasks that are under its responsibility.
To stimulate the work discipline, the bureaucrat's official life is planned for him in terms of career, promotions, pensions and wages, and in exchange, it is expected that he adapts his thoughts, feelings and actions to the needs of the organization.
However, these factors increase the conformism and lead to exaggeration in the strict observation of rules, which results in conservatism and technicality. In the bureaucracy are considered the goals of the organization and not the people.
This means that the more bureaucratic an organization is, more people are parts of the bureaucratic machinery, settled for their purposes, without creativity, initiative, and resistant to changes in their routines.
To be successful in all organizations, the organizational man must have the following characteristics of personality:
a) Flexibility, given the constant changes that occur in modern life, and the diversity of roles in various organizations, which can get a reversal, the sudden shutdown of organizations and new relationships.
b) Tolerance to frustration, to avoid the emotional distress arising from the conflict between organizational needs and individual needs, the mediation is done by rational rules, written and comprehensive, seeking involve the entire organization.
c) Ability to rewards and compensate the routine work on the organization, accordingly personal preferences and vocations, and other types of work.
d) Standing desire to achieve, to ensure compliance and cooperation with the rules that control and provide access to the career positions within the organization, providing social rewards and sanctions and materials.
These characteristics of personality vary in degree depending on the organization and position held.
These activities have at least five dimensions, on the main aspects that must be considered in the analysis of work, and all the employee needs to be entrepreneur and feel accomplished for production:
a) Technical aspects - involves issues relating to place of work and adjustment physiological and sociological.
b) Physiological aspects - is the degree of adaptation man - place of work - Physical environment and the problem of fatigue - the human being is not a machine and does not work like a machine.
c) Moral aspect - considers the skills, the motivation, the degree of awareness, satisfaction and the intimate relationship between work activity and personality - the work is an extension of personality, is how a person measures his worth and his humanity.
d) Social aspect - considers the specific issues in the working environment and external factors such as family, social class, etc..
e) Economic aspect - as the production of wealth - the work is a way of life.
Businesses is evaluated by the following requirements:
1) Environment of the business - credibility, respect, fairness, pride and camaraderie;
2) Profile of the company - benefits, compensation, ethics and citizenship, professional development and balancing work and personal life
"There is ways that discover and adopts measures of how to maximize the work efficiency.
- Every person is influenced exclusively by rewards wage, economic and material, not considering the needs of staff achievement and promotion.
The humanism considers the improvement of development, welfare and dignity as the ultimate objective of all human thought and action - above ideals and values of religious, ideological or national.
The commitment to humanism defends the adoption of the following three fundamental principles:
a) Philosophical, consisting in the design of humans - men and women - as be autonomous and rational and respect fundamental to all human beings while endowed with free will, rationality, moral awareness, capacity imaginative and creative.
b) Social policy, which consists of a universal ethic of equality, reciprocity and human solidarity and a policy of pluralistic democracy, fair and human.
c) Educational, consisting of the commitment to help all individuals in implementation and improvement of its potential.
So, with the humanistic approach, "the concern with the machine, the working method, with the formal organization and the principles of administration applicable to organizational aspects give priorities to the concern with man and his social group: the technical aspects for the formal psychological and sociological aspects.
The school of human relations was born from the need of reducing the dehumanization of work and at the same time, increasing the efficiency in business.
The informal groups can communicate with ease, and find supportive environment for the majority of their problems. The formal organization is the organizational structure - organs, functions, hierarchical levels and functional relationships - and informal organization is the set of interactions and relationships that are established between the workers - uses and customs, traditions and social norms.
The informal organization is reflected by attitudes and provisions based on the opinion and sentiment. The expression of the need to 'join up' and do not change quickly or make the logic: relate to the sense of values, the lifestyles and the acquisition of social life that a person strives to preserve and defend of which is willing to fight and resist.
The social man, which is based on the following aspects:
a) Employees are complex social creatures, with their feelings, desires and fears. The behavior at work - as the behavior in any place - is a consequence of many motivational factors.
b) People are motivated by human needs and achieve their satisfaction through social groups with whom they interact. Difficult to participate and connect with the group cause elevation of turnover of people, lowering of moral, psychological fatigue, reduced levels of performance,
c) The behavior of social groups can be manipulated by an appropriate style of supervision and leadership (human abilities).
d) The social norms of the group act as regulatory mechanisms of the behavior of members. The levels of production are controlled by the rules of the informal group. This social control takes both positive sanctions (stimulation, social acceptance, etc..) And negative (mockery, isolation from the group, etc.).. The employee is seen as a being creative and thinking, and issues such as integration, social behavior and participation in decisions.
The theory of bureaucracy was born from the work of Max Weber, in the 1940s, he studied the organization as part of a social context, influenced by changing social, economic and religious.
The bureaucratic model is proposed as an efficient administrative structure for complex organizations, governed by the rules and inflexible hierarchy. Bureaucracy is a form of human organization that is based on rationality.
The characteristics of bureaucracy are:
a) Legal nature of the rules and regulations: it is an organization bound by rules and regulations established in writing in advance.
b) Formal communications: they are recorded in writing by forms, so that the bureaucracy is a formally organized to a social structure.
c) Rational: division of labor, where the tasks are set for each participant.
d) Impersonal: relationship in terms of positions, not people.
e) Hierarchy: each post below is under the supervision of the superior officer.
f) Routine: the employee must do what is the boss bureaucracy, he is not independent.
g) Meritocracy: the choice of people is based on merit and technique competence.
h) Administration of expertise: separation between ownership and management.
i) Professional.
j) Predictability: assumes that the behavior of all members is perfectly predictable.
As the concept of informal organization is not rational, it is not accepted by the bureaucracy, so the worker is seen only as occupier of a position that needs to respond by the set of tasks that are under its responsibility.
To stimulate the work discipline, the bureaucrat's official life is planned for him in terms of career, promotions, pensions and wages, and in exchange, it is expected that he adapts his thoughts, feelings and actions to the needs of the organization.
However, these factors increase the conformism and lead to exaggeration in the strict observation of rules, which results in conservatism and technicality. In the bureaucracy are considered the goals of the organization and not the people.
This means that the more bureaucratic an organization is, more people are parts of the bureaucratic machinery, settled for their purposes, without creativity, initiative, and resistant to changes in their routines.
To be successful in all organizations, the organizational man must have the following characteristics of personality:
a) Flexibility, given the constant changes that occur in modern life, and the diversity of roles in various organizations, which can get a reversal, the sudden shutdown of organizations and new relationships.
b) Tolerance to frustration, to avoid the emotional distress arising from the conflict between organizational needs and individual needs, the mediation is done by rational rules, written and comprehensive, seeking involve the entire organization.
c) Ability to rewards and compensate the routine work on the organization, accordingly personal preferences and vocations, and other types of work.
d) Standing desire to achieve, to ensure compliance and cooperation with the rules that control and provide access to the career positions within the organization, providing social rewards and sanctions and materials.
These characteristics of personality vary in degree depending on the organization and position held.
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