Let's say that in the future Virtual Reality becomes so real that it is a secondary option for folks for entertainment or even a vacation. In such a Virtual Reality system, you could be anything that you wish to be, do anything you want to do, and have no "real" social society norms to deal with. In this case would that mean you would break tradition with your ethical values?
Some modern day psychologists have been asking this question. And since the future of VR would include social networks of people sharing the system with each other, would this mean that crime, rioting and bad or unethical behavior might run ramped; and if it did then what?
The reality that a VR environment is not real and therefore there are no "real consequences" to evil behavior, this might spur on some to think that it is okay to act out. And it would be a reflection of the actual thoughts of humans playing out in the VR environment.
Would this have complications on the real world and over all society in our current life experiences as flesh and blood? What do I mean, am I suggesting that like the current human internet that, such a collective communication system that we find in online social networks have implications that are quite different and therefore serious to all those that participate.
Thus, it does affect the overall attitude of humans in general and their behavior and feelings towards others in either of the two worlds; online or actual community. The implications of future robust artificial intelligence running super computer Virtual Reality environments changing the way humans live forever, may be a realism that many may not wish to talk about. Think on this.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Earths Geomagnetism Its Effects on Human Behaviour
No two days are ever the same for any event that takes place. This has a major impact on planning, holding events, sales and advertising, seminars, fundraising and other events where a large group of people get together. We've all had times where a party, fundraiser or other group event turned out poorly and yet we hold the party a different day, everything works out perfect. Science is now starting to prove that the general mood of the population is being governed by two major factors; the amount of geomagnetic activity taking place on the earth and the amount of activity coming from the sun. Not all active solar activity is negative, at the right times, this activity can be a major boost to mankind in general. Examples of this in earth's previous history demonstrate that at peak sunspot cycles, major scientific discovery and achievements have occurred. Alternatively increased solar activity has been shown to make people irritable and decrease the overall well being of the population. It is the delicate balance between the earths geomagnetism and negative ions in the air that account for whether these levels of activity are going to be positive or negative in nature. We all know the positive benefits that negative ions provide, both for health and well being. These negative ions also occur naturally around the earth and at certain times are more increased and at other times their levels are lower.
The new science starting to describe and interpret the behavior of humans based on the earth and sun's behavior is known as the Behavioral Response Indice. By using software algorithms, science is now starting to find the perfect balance of negative ions, the right level of earth's geomagnetic activity and the future amount of activity the sun will project onto the earth and create a forecastable index. Just as satellites have forecast systems warning of future dangerous electrons that can destroy communications systems, a Behavioral Response Indice warns of days where holding large events or seminars would be unadvisable due to the solar and geomagnetic climatic conditions occurring on that date. This can have a major impact on industry, education and society as a whole. It can boost productivity by allowing a more smoother flow of ideas and innovations to occur at seminars, conventions etc. It can create a stimulating and positive atmosphere for attendees and improve morale for public speakers and other exhibitors who speak at corporate events, venues and other events. We already use weather forecasting and space weather forecasting to plan ahead, on the horizon is behavioral response forecasting.
The new science starting to describe and interpret the behavior of humans based on the earth and sun's behavior is known as the Behavioral Response Indice. By using software algorithms, science is now starting to find the perfect balance of negative ions, the right level of earth's geomagnetic activity and the future amount of activity the sun will project onto the earth and create a forecastable index. Just as satellites have forecast systems warning of future dangerous electrons that can destroy communications systems, a Behavioral Response Indice warns of days where holding large events or seminars would be unadvisable due to the solar and geomagnetic climatic conditions occurring on that date. This can have a major impact on industry, education and society as a whole. It can boost productivity by allowing a more smoother flow of ideas and innovations to occur at seminars, conventions etc. It can create a stimulating and positive atmosphere for attendees and improve morale for public speakers and other exhibitors who speak at corporate events, venues and other events. We already use weather forecasting and space weather forecasting to plan ahead, on the horizon is behavioral response forecasting.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Environment and Human Behavior
The current vision of the world on environmental issues enables a greater scope and detail about what happens to the environment where they are all living beings. Disasters, tragedies, plundering and exploitation of the natural assets have been increasingly explicit in the face of human society, causing environmental imbalances leading to fatigue and the nature. The purpose of sustainability is that human beings are considered part of nature, being able to develop their actions in balance with the environment in which they live.
Considering the evolutionary history of human thought, it is noted that the thinking of man are becoming throughout history, where it hangs a clash of the old Cartesian paradigm and the new paradigm, that of sustainability. Knowing the evolutionary process of human thought can be pointed as cause for the problem diagnosed: environmental problems not bother enough people so that they act, there is no motivation or personal initiative to trigger environmental action, awareness does not necessarily trigger changes of attitudes, not the accountability of people before the environmental issue.
The solutions to the problem of the programs and projects already working on environmental perception, awareness and consciousness, causing an emphasis on emotion in people that have been sensitized to promote the changes necessary to achieve sustainability.
Considering the parameters that influence the analysis and results of this work, it remains within its objectives, but to propose new ideas for influence in overcoming the processing of environmental awareness in active movement. Building new cultural values, social, political and economic then contributing to formation of a new global consciousness in favor of life and all the diversity in nature.
The actions committed for the environment today does not match that of people aware. We stopped on the concrete action to minimize the impacts that cause. Timid political movements and the majority are electioneering (Search by votes) try to convince people that we work with nature as a small part of the city's trash is separated for recycling, and when changes are government projects past are overlooked or neglected, start another program as environmental be the first to worry about the environmental issue. The search for the reasons that make the conscious action of the generator attitudes and processes that can begin to mitigate the environmental problems is significant, considering the inconsistency of people aware of the existence and the lack of permanent environmental actions.
Working for a healthy environment, the effective action of a company organized and concerned to know, understand and exercise their responsibilities. Referring to the Medical Education, (KIKUCHI, 1991 p. 166) warns: You can not compare to the action self cure therapy with conventional medical therapy. The purpose of self cure therapy is to empower the healing of patients who must be an act essentially self-educational and not medical. The expropriation of health, holding to the doctors, the exclusive right to treatment for patients and difficult to author, using for that the law, follows, essentially, to ignorance and financial interests. This is one of the main factors that cause disease in troubled modern world. The disease is like a fire and the doctor is like the firefighter.
Although the total mobilization of the entire capacity of the doctor (firefighter) and the use of all equipment, there are still many serious diseases (large fires) that develop in parallel with the rapid development of science and mechanical technology of today. No use looking only technological progress and the practical with their firefighter equipment and instruments, if we strengthen and warned against the fire. We must protect us from disease flare of individual children as well as major fires (epidemics and wars). The disease appears as a possibility for growth, as a barrier that helps us to raise awareness that the imbalance is crucial for maintaining the relative balance. So what if search is not clear how the fire, because if you do not know, just study it and is the most effective method for this. What you want is the self facing the environment. The expropriation of nature is what is bad, compared to the previous reference Kikuchi health. Treat evil is not enough, we must prevent it and that is necessary to investigate what was lost and bring back the habit to return the balance to maintain, and also get the natural balance of ecosystems.
Looking under the same parameters of the search for balance you can cite other examples of the confusion in other segments such as: violent authorities want to stop the violence, doctors want to stop the cancer producing more cancer, educators want to promote education transmitting a fragmented vision and escravizante of reality. Clearly, something is wrong.
There is the need to replace the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, consolidated by the positivist doctrine, which still governs our lives. There should be a change in view of the world, considering that the greatest crisis affecting humanity is the crisis of perception, as a warning Capra (1996).
Education has strategic role in the process of environmental management, training of children and young people, incorporating environmental and human values, emphasizing the sense of daily practices with the theory initiated in the classroom, leading to a culture of sustainability, a culture the harmonic coexistence between human beings and between them and nature. The pursuit of sustainable development seems utopian, but the utopian ideas are to build something you dream, and dream is to generate hope. It is the desire to abstract a concrete reality, to stop rambling on firm ground to tread. Developing sustainability means being focused not only on production, is to think and solve small to condescend to the proposed logical natural process, or find the answers in nature to solve the problems. Issues that were created by humans, when we forget that the natural, the organic, and that depends on it. We must go back to origins to rethink the way of human life. Look what has been lost to fit the missing piece of to return to participate in the life cycle of the earth.
Sustainable development as its basic resource elect the creative initiative of individuals and as a fundamental objective the welfare of the material and spiritual. In communities that work well, even when there is poverty, there are also ingenious strategies for survival. (BARROS, 2002, p. 4) According Lerípio (2001, p. 2), the environment and development must cease to be confrontational to become a partnership relationship. The key point of the issue becomes the need for a peaceful coexistence between the quality of the environment and economic development.
What actions have been geared to protecting the environment is needed desvencilhar the mystery of consciousness and their ability to bring actions aware, committed and responsible for spreading solutions of problems and significant environmental improvements. You can not just plant trees in the gardens each year the week of the environment and to worship at that moment as if representing large effect on people and the environment. We must grow conscious attitudes in people, it is important to environmental awareness is no action to mitigate environmental impacts. The continuation of underdevelopment in environmental continuity is the act of playing the remains of food in the same brass in which recyclable materials or as forests are devastated areas equivalent to a big stadium every day, eliminating several endangered species of both flora as fauna, and authorities are not pressured to make this safeguard.
Understanding the basis of generating actions is very important to reach people aware so they can have their attitudes consistent with their way of thinking. Finding the factor for the actions has been a tool much more than just awareness. If awareness were large enough there would be concerns about the environmental issue, as is evident in the company to be established there, in various segments of multipliers of environmental awareness. Maybe the majority did not see the seriousness with which environmentalists have seen, hence the need for treatment of shock, or see the reality that hits on the emotionally and be done with nature and the like. Considering the importance of these aspects, this paper attempts to point out answers or solutions to the inertia of rest where people park conscious and not aware, to have the factor or factors instigators to a state of movement for activities beneficial to the environment, a inertia of movement of environmentally conscious heads.
If every person endowed with environmental awareness still lacks reason to act on the environmental issue is instigated in the right spot to develop attitudes that same individual to remedy environmental damage or prevent them, work is more than a contribution to environmental education, but yes, the trigger that fires every person other than his desire to make their way of life today, to more healthy attitudes from a particular, emotional, psychological, actor in major changes necessary for preservation and conservation of an integrated world of humans and nature as it always was, one thing only. To search for the guideline have research that points to a single direction desvencilhando of the nuances that may be involved in your real objective is therefore necessary to infer the problem question: Why do many people, although being environmentally aware, yet have no rational attitudes that are taking actions environmentally sound?
Considering the evolutionary history of human thought, it is noted that the thinking of man are becoming throughout history, where it hangs a clash of the old Cartesian paradigm and the new paradigm, that of sustainability. Knowing the evolutionary process of human thought can be pointed as cause for the problem diagnosed: environmental problems not bother enough people so that they act, there is no motivation or personal initiative to trigger environmental action, awareness does not necessarily trigger changes of attitudes, not the accountability of people before the environmental issue.
The solutions to the problem of the programs and projects already working on environmental perception, awareness and consciousness, causing an emphasis on emotion in people that have been sensitized to promote the changes necessary to achieve sustainability.
Considering the parameters that influence the analysis and results of this work, it remains within its objectives, but to propose new ideas for influence in overcoming the processing of environmental awareness in active movement. Building new cultural values, social, political and economic then contributing to formation of a new global consciousness in favor of life and all the diversity in nature.
The actions committed for the environment today does not match that of people aware. We stopped on the concrete action to minimize the impacts that cause. Timid political movements and the majority are electioneering (Search by votes) try to convince people that we work with nature as a small part of the city's trash is separated for recycling, and when changes are government projects past are overlooked or neglected, start another program as environmental be the first to worry about the environmental issue. The search for the reasons that make the conscious action of the generator attitudes and processes that can begin to mitigate the environmental problems is significant, considering the inconsistency of people aware of the existence and the lack of permanent environmental actions.
Working for a healthy environment, the effective action of a company organized and concerned to know, understand and exercise their responsibilities. Referring to the Medical Education, (KIKUCHI, 1991 p. 166) warns: You can not compare to the action self cure therapy with conventional medical therapy. The purpose of self cure therapy is to empower the healing of patients who must be an act essentially self-educational and not medical. The expropriation of health, holding to the doctors, the exclusive right to treatment for patients and difficult to author, using for that the law, follows, essentially, to ignorance and financial interests. This is one of the main factors that cause disease in troubled modern world. The disease is like a fire and the doctor is like the firefighter.
Although the total mobilization of the entire capacity of the doctor (firefighter) and the use of all equipment, there are still many serious diseases (large fires) that develop in parallel with the rapid development of science and mechanical technology of today. No use looking only technological progress and the practical with their firefighter equipment and instruments, if we strengthen and warned against the fire. We must protect us from disease flare of individual children as well as major fires (epidemics and wars). The disease appears as a possibility for growth, as a barrier that helps us to raise awareness that the imbalance is crucial for maintaining the relative balance. So what if search is not clear how the fire, because if you do not know, just study it and is the most effective method for this. What you want is the self facing the environment. The expropriation of nature is what is bad, compared to the previous reference Kikuchi health. Treat evil is not enough, we must prevent it and that is necessary to investigate what was lost and bring back the habit to return the balance to maintain, and also get the natural balance of ecosystems.
Looking under the same parameters of the search for balance you can cite other examples of the confusion in other segments such as: violent authorities want to stop the violence, doctors want to stop the cancer producing more cancer, educators want to promote education transmitting a fragmented vision and escravizante of reality. Clearly, something is wrong.
There is the need to replace the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, consolidated by the positivist doctrine, which still governs our lives. There should be a change in view of the world, considering that the greatest crisis affecting humanity is the crisis of perception, as a warning Capra (1996).
Education has strategic role in the process of environmental management, training of children and young people, incorporating environmental and human values, emphasizing the sense of daily practices with the theory initiated in the classroom, leading to a culture of sustainability, a culture the harmonic coexistence between human beings and between them and nature. The pursuit of sustainable development seems utopian, but the utopian ideas are to build something you dream, and dream is to generate hope. It is the desire to abstract a concrete reality, to stop rambling on firm ground to tread. Developing sustainability means being focused not only on production, is to think and solve small to condescend to the proposed logical natural process, or find the answers in nature to solve the problems. Issues that were created by humans, when we forget that the natural, the organic, and that depends on it. We must go back to origins to rethink the way of human life. Look what has been lost to fit the missing piece of to return to participate in the life cycle of the earth.
Sustainable development as its basic resource elect the creative initiative of individuals and as a fundamental objective the welfare of the material and spiritual. In communities that work well, even when there is poverty, there are also ingenious strategies for survival. (BARROS, 2002, p. 4) According Lerípio (2001, p. 2), the environment and development must cease to be confrontational to become a partnership relationship. The key point of the issue becomes the need for a peaceful coexistence between the quality of the environment and economic development.
What actions have been geared to protecting the environment is needed desvencilhar the mystery of consciousness and their ability to bring actions aware, committed and responsible for spreading solutions of problems and significant environmental improvements. You can not just plant trees in the gardens each year the week of the environment and to worship at that moment as if representing large effect on people and the environment. We must grow conscious attitudes in people, it is important to environmental awareness is no action to mitigate environmental impacts. The continuation of underdevelopment in environmental continuity is the act of playing the remains of food in the same brass in which recyclable materials or as forests are devastated areas equivalent to a big stadium every day, eliminating several endangered species of both flora as fauna, and authorities are not pressured to make this safeguard.
Understanding the basis of generating actions is very important to reach people aware so they can have their attitudes consistent with their way of thinking. Finding the factor for the actions has been a tool much more than just awareness. If awareness were large enough there would be concerns about the environmental issue, as is evident in the company to be established there, in various segments of multipliers of environmental awareness. Maybe the majority did not see the seriousness with which environmentalists have seen, hence the need for treatment of shock, or see the reality that hits on the emotionally and be done with nature and the like. Considering the importance of these aspects, this paper attempts to point out answers or solutions to the inertia of rest where people park conscious and not aware, to have the factor or factors instigators to a state of movement for activities beneficial to the environment, a inertia of movement of environmentally conscious heads.
If every person endowed with environmental awareness still lacks reason to act on the environmental issue is instigated in the right spot to develop attitudes that same individual to remedy environmental damage or prevent them, work is more than a contribution to environmental education, but yes, the trigger that fires every person other than his desire to make their way of life today, to more healthy attitudes from a particular, emotional, psychological, actor in major changes necessary for preservation and conservation of an integrated world of humans and nature as it always was, one thing only. To search for the guideline have research that points to a single direction desvencilhando of the nuances that may be involved in your real objective is therefore necessary to infer the problem question: Why do many people, although being environmentally aware, yet have no rational attitudes that are taking actions environmentally sound?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mental Illnesses and Human Behavior
All mental illnesses are reflected in human behavior because they are provoked by the domination of the wild side of the human conscience, which has very violent behavior, without any sensitivity. When someone acquires a mental illness, this means that they are over-dominated by the anti-conscience, their primitive conscience that has no human characteristics, but is evil, selfish and sneaky.
The domination of the anti-conscience is frequent in most cases, because it manages to invade the conscious field when the person accepts its absurd suggestions, which are camouflaged in logical ideas. These ideas are absurd, but in order to discover their absurdity one has to carefully examine them, which means that they are often followed by the naïve human conscience of everyone, since nobody analyzes them.
However, a mental illness is provoked by the partial destruction of the human side of the human conscience due to the constant invasion of the terrible anti-conscience. When someone is dominated by their wild side, they cannot behave like human beings, even though the anti-conscience pretends to be human in the beginning. It is a wild animal that can think and provoke much destruction, because it is schizophrenic. The content of its mind is pure craziness.
This tragedy is the result of the disorganized development of the human conscience in its first stages. We have to eliminate the possibility of the domination of the anti-conscience before it manages to destroy the human side of the person's conscience in order to prevent all mental illnesses, and transform this dangerous part into a positive part of their human side.
Since we know that the domination of the anti-conscience can be perceived in the person's behavior, we must pay attention to all the revealing signs of this domination, which are:
1. Indifference to what is bad
2. Lack of sensitivity
3. Strange reactions
4. Absence of fear before danger
5. General apathy
6. Cruelty and irritation
7. Immoral tendencies
One must pay attention to his behavior and seek treatment if any or all of the above mentioned characteristics define their behavior, because if the anti-conscience does manage to completely destroy the human side of their conscience, they won't be able to recuperate it later. Your mental health and your behavior are practically the same thing, since one depends on the other. Be very careful when your behavior is strange, and don't deny seeking psychotherapy.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
The domination of the anti-conscience is frequent in most cases, because it manages to invade the conscious field when the person accepts its absurd suggestions, which are camouflaged in logical ideas. These ideas are absurd, but in order to discover their absurdity one has to carefully examine them, which means that they are often followed by the naïve human conscience of everyone, since nobody analyzes them.
However, a mental illness is provoked by the partial destruction of the human side of the human conscience due to the constant invasion of the terrible anti-conscience. When someone is dominated by their wild side, they cannot behave like human beings, even though the anti-conscience pretends to be human in the beginning. It is a wild animal that can think and provoke much destruction, because it is schizophrenic. The content of its mind is pure craziness.
This tragedy is the result of the disorganized development of the human conscience in its first stages. We have to eliminate the possibility of the domination of the anti-conscience before it manages to destroy the human side of the person's conscience in order to prevent all mental illnesses, and transform this dangerous part into a positive part of their human side.
Since we know that the domination of the anti-conscience can be perceived in the person's behavior, we must pay attention to all the revealing signs of this domination, which are:
1. Indifference to what is bad
2. Lack of sensitivity
3. Strange reactions
4. Absence of fear before danger
5. General apathy
6. Cruelty and irritation
7. Immoral tendencies
One must pay attention to his behavior and seek treatment if any or all of the above mentioned characteristics define their behavior, because if the anti-conscience does manage to completely destroy the human side of their conscience, they won't be able to recuperate it later. Your mental health and your behavior are practically the same thing, since one depends on the other. Be very careful when your behavior is strange, and don't deny seeking psychotherapy.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
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